international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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COMMERCIAL LAWThis publication allows professionals in the field toreinforce their global expertise, with each jurisdictionalchapter offering comprehensive details of theregulatory principles, legal structures and restrictionsand common business solutions for funds, debtfinance, equity structures, exits and tax.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKJan 2010 9780956544063 HardbackHK$3,274China Law LibraryCompetition Law in China and Hong KongMainwork + SupplementA team of contributors from Herbert Smithincluding Graeme JohnstonWLChina enacted an Anti-Monopoly Law in August 2008which affects many companies operating in China.There are heavy fines for infringements of the law andthreats of negative exposure for those who don’t fullyunderstand how the new laws operate. This book willgive you a depth of understanding you will not findsimply by reading the relevant legislation and officialmaterials.• First comprehensive English language textbook onthe relevant competition law regimes• Practical and realistic approach to the subject byleading legal practitioners• Appendix with English translations with easy touse references with the official Chinese text ofthe relevant legislation, regulations and samplemerger control decisionsTABLE OF CONTENTSI Introduction1. Competition Law and EconomicsII Mainland China2. Introduction3. The Anti-Monopoly Law4. Monopolistic Agreements5. Abuse of Dominant Position6. Merger ControlIII Hong Kong7. Introduction8. The Telecommunications and Broadcasting SectoralRegimesAppendix – Legislative and Other MaterialsA. Mainland ChinaB. Hong KongFirst SupplementNEWThis first supplement covers the developments sincethe mainwork published in 2009. The updates includecommentaries on various draft regulations, newMeasures and Regulations promulgated. Substantialdiscussion on Merger Control and the Hong KongCompetition Bill is also covered. Additional bilingualImplementing Materials are appended.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Jun 2009 978 962 66132 4 5 HardbackHK$2,900 Mainwork and first supplementChina Law LibraryShareholder Agreements & Joint VenturesOwen D. Nee Jr.This important title is a concise, comprehensive,one-stop-shop that will give you the up-to-dateinformation to implement shareholder agreementsand joint ventures in China. The author, Owen D.NeeJr, highlights the changes over the past few years andthe country’s new attitude towards foreign investment.• Authoritative analysis and practical insights withadvice to help avoid the pitfalls• Straightforward commentary to dispense withpreconceived notions about doing business inChina• Practice-oriented examples and real-life casestudies to show you how to apply Chinese legaltheory and principles.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. The Historical Transformation of China’s Economy2. Basis for Joint Venture Agreements3. Joint Venture Contracts4. Articles of Association5. Cooperative Joint Venture Contracts6. Technology Transferssmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification143

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