international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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Hong Kong and china Practitioner Titles5. Approaches to Mediation6. Resources to Mediation7. Process and Stages of Mediation8. Mediation Skills9. Psychology and Behaviour of Mediation10. Legal Implication of Mediation11. Civil Justice Reform & Practice Direction12. Family Mediationa. Divorceb. Family Property & Estate Disputesc. Family Relationship and Elderly Disputes13. Criminal Offence Related Disputesa. Victim Offender Mediationb. Traffic Disputes14. Application of Mediation to various types of Disputesa. Business Related Disputesb. Consumer/Business Disputesc. Labour & Employment Disputesd. Community Disputese. Land Disputesf. Work Related Personal Injuries Disputesg. School Disputesh. Healthcare Disputesi. Public International Disputes15. Problems with Mediation16. Future Development of Mediationeffective in early 2009. Since then practitioners haveto conduct themselves in a very different litigationlandscape, in particular how to best utilise thechanges for the benefit of clients. The second editionassists practitioners to operate in this very differentlitigation landscape.• Contains initial and extensive consideration of thechanges• Includes a CJR supplement focusing the analysisand impact of fundamental changes in CivilPractice post effective date of April 2nd, 2009.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Sep 2008 978 962 66133 2 0 HardbackHK$2,862<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Dec 2009 978 962 66137 6 4 HardbackHK$1,890Hong Kong Civil Jurisdiction HandbookPrinciples and Practice of Civil Procedure inHong KongSecond EditionCamille Cameron, Elsa KellyWLThe second edition of the leading work Principles andPractice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong providesa comprehensive explanation of the nature andoperation of Hong Kong’s procedural rules. Over2,000 new cases have been considered in publishingthe second edition. Civil Justice Reform becamesmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notificationHong Kong Civil Jurisdiction Handbook is the onlycomprehensive and consolidated guide to theimportant amendments to primary legislation thatmakes clear what changes have been made by CivilJustice Reform and the impact these will have on civilpractice in Hong Kong.• Easy to navigate guide to the new laws• Includes important changes made by the 2008Ordinance and the primary legislation• Useful comparison with the Civil Justice Reform inEngland and Wales.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction by The Hon. Mr Justice Chan PJ2. High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4)3. District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336)4. Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 17)5. Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 338)6. Appendix: Civil Justice (Miscellaneous Amendments)Ordinance 200835

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