international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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academicLaw of the Hong Kong ConstitutionJohannes Chan SC (Hon), C.L. LimNEW“It makes a signal contribution to the learning on theBasic Law and will be a seminal work on the subject.”The Honourable Andrew Li GBM, Chief Justice 1997-2010The Fifteenth Anniversary of the Basic Lawapproaches. The intervening period has allowedevents to develop and mature, and there is now avery large body of case law. Law of the Hong KongConstitution is a much needed publication on HongKong’s constitution. It is the first major work on thetopic and is the only comprehensive publication onthe topic. Written by a distinguished team of experts,the publication fully examines all aspects of the BasicLaw, from the recent Court of Final Appeal decisionin Democratic Republic of Congo v. FG HemisphereAssociates LLC, to rights protection, and the issue ofelectoral reform. The authors are particularly adeptat identifying areas of potential difficulty. This is themust-have publication for anyone interested in HongKong’s constitution, and the novel and imaginativeconcept of One Country, Two Systems.Fully examines all aspects of the Basic Law• Provides comprehensive analysis of the Basic Lawand the concept of One Country, Two Systems• Contains both the breadth and the depth thatthe Basic Law entails-no aspect has been leftuntouched• From the law relating to state immunity inDemocratic Republic of Congo v. FG HemisphereAssociates LLC, to rights protection, to the issue ofelectoral reformPowerful author team, with real expertise• General Editors Prof. Johannes Chan and Prof. C.L.Lim and a team of distinguished contributors, areadept at identifying areas of potential difficultywithin the subjectAddresses the unique situation of Hong Kong’sconstitution• Deals with the rights that belong to Hong Kongand the way those rights have been enforced byHong Kong courts• Contains a detailed statement and discussion ofthe relevant legal principles in relation to thoseArticles of the Basic Law most frequently litigatedand advised uponTABLE OF CONTENTSPART I: Historical Background1. From Colony to Special Administrative RegionPART II: A New Constitutional Era: One Country, TwoSystems2. Autonomy and Central-Local Relations3. External Affairs4. Language5. Nationality and Permanent Residents6. National SecurityPART III: Political Structure7. The Chief Executive8. Development of Representative Government9. Executive Government10. The JudiciaryPART IV: Economy and Social Policies11. Fiscal Policy and Financial System12. Land13. Education, Science, Culture, Sports, Religion, Labour andSocial Services14. Civil Aviation and ShippingPART V: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms15. Basic Law, Hong Kong Bill of Rights and the ICCPR16. Interpreting Constitutional Rights and PermissibleRestrictions17. Right to Life18. Right to Fair Trial and the Criminal Process19. Right to Fair Hearing in Non-Criminal Process20. Freedom of Expression21. Right to Privacy, Unlawful Search and Surveillance22. Freedom of Assembly and Association23. Freedom of Conscience and Religious Belief24. Freedom of Choice of Occupation and AcademicFreedom25. Right to Social Welfare26. Right to Family27. Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination28. Right to Vote and Right to Political Participation29. Rights of New Territories Indigenous Inhabitants30. Right to Property<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Sep 2011 978 962 66144 3 3 Paperbacksmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification77

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