international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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COMMERCIAL LAWEXPORT CONTROLS AND ECONOMIC SANCTIONS:A GUIDE TO CANADIAN TRADE RESTRICTIONSLawrence L. HermanContains a comprehensive review of Canada’s systemof trade restrictions, with emphasis on Canadianexport controls.This book covers U.N.-mandated sanctions anda range of other measures that may be less wellknownbut which have a critical impact of Canada’sexternal trade and on the conduct of business in the<strong>international</strong> marketplace.CarswellMar 2010 9780779822836 3-Ring BinderHK$1,830Commercial PropertyGraham Lloyd-BruntThis first edition of Commercial Property, edited by theleading real estate practitioners in England and Wales,is essential reading for property practitioners doingbusiness globally.Featuring contributions from some of the most highlyregarded real estate law firms across the world; itprovides a comparison of the position in differentcountries on key issues which arise in real estatetransactions. It also includes expert commentary fromleading real estate lawyers on the applicable laws andregulations in their jurisdictions.Our aim has been to include the highest qualitycontent to ensure that commercial property will beseen as a key reference work in the field.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKJan 2010 9780956544070 HardbackHK$3,274Copyright LitigationThierry Calame, Massimo SterpiThis publication provides prompt guidance to anyoneinvolved in litigation in a foreign country or, in amultijurisdictional copyright litigation.Laws and procedures are so different worldwide, thatendless opportunities of forum shopping exist eitherto bring a claim against infringement or to counter athird party’s claim.After the great success of our two previous books onPatent Litigation and Trademark Litigation, we wereable to find a record number of top level contributorsfrom all the world’s major jurisdictions.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKJan 2010 9780956544018 HardbackHK$3,274Private Client TaxJohn RhodesAs governments chop and change legislation ontax and wealth planning issues, legal advisers needinstant access to the latest information on a countryby-countrybasis.The impact on private clients of governments’ ability tocollect and disseminate vast amounts of computerisedinformation, and their increasing willingness to cooperatein so doing, cannot be underestimated.In such a climate, clients increasingly need to knowfirstly, where they should reside and, secondly, wheretheir family assets should be held and administered.This publication is essential reading for advisers ofwealthy families around the world.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKJan 2010 9780956544056 HardbackHK$3,274Private EquityCharles MartinThis book will be a useful reference for those lessfamiliar jurisdictions for the in house counselthemselves and a great training aid for counselcoaching their deal terms on home turf. This is agenuinely helpful pithy guide pitched at the rightlevel to be a resource to a broad range of equityprofessionals across the spectrum of functionsand seniority levels, from CEO’s and their advisorycommittees to the investment professionals, in houselegal counsel , finance directors, investor relations andall of their associated departments and professionaladvisers.142+852 3762 3222 www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.comPrices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

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