international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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COMMON LAW LIBRARYClerk & Lindsell on TortsTwentieth Edition, Mainwork and SupplementProfessor Anthony Dugdale, Professor Michael JonesClerk & Lindsell on Torts is the definitive work in thisarea. It supplies the most authoritative guidanceavailable on all aspects of the law of tort and is widelyreferred to and cited by practitioners and the judiciary.Clerk & Lindsell on Torts:• Covers all areas of tort, including negligence,defamation, nuisance and trespass, and statutorytorts• Deals with common law, statutory, individual andcommercial torts individually, chapter by chapter• Offers unequalled explanation of the generalprinciples and shows how these apply in differentsituations through detailed analysis of case law• Gives detailed guidance on remedies, such asdamages and injunctions• Examines possible defences and arguments thatcan be used• Covers the relevant human rights issues• Considers Commonwealth law, making the workrelevant throughout the common law world• Keeps you fully up to date with regularsupplementsrespect of a claim for occupationally-induceddeafness• Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd where it was held thatthe Fairchild test of causation applies in a case ofexposure to asbestos by a single defendant wherethe claimant has also been non-tortiously exposedto asbestos• R (on the application of WL (Congo)) v Secretary ofState for the Home Department where it was heldthat a causation test does not apply to the tortof false imprisonment, so the fact the defendantcould have acted lawfully to detain the claimantis not a defence where the defendant has infact acted unlawfully in detaining the claimant(although this is a relevant consideration whenconsidering an award of damages – the claimantwas entitled to nominal damages only)• Jones v Kaney on the removal of immunity fromclaims in negligence of expert witnesses• A v Essex County Council - the failure for a periodof 18 months to cater for the special educationalneeds of a child did not constitute a denial of thechild’s right to education under the ECHR, Protocol1, art.2• Joseph v Spiller – in an action for defamation it isnot a prerequisite of the defence of honest or faircomment that the readers should be in a positionto evaluate the comment for themselves• Lucasfilm Ltd v Ainsworth holding that helmetsand armour forming part of the storm troopercostumes in the Star Wars films were neithersculptures nor works of artistic craftsmanshipwithin the meaning of the Copyright, Designs andPatents Act 1988<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UK9780414045781 PaperbackSupplement HK$9309780414023406Mainwork & SupplementHK$5,720First SupplementNEWPublishing November 2011, the First Supplement tothe 20th edition of Clerk & Lindsell on Torts brings themain work up to date with all the latest developmentsincluding decisions of the Supreme Court in:• Baker v Quantum Clothing Group on therelationship between an action for breach ofstatutory duty and common law negligence insmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification65

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