international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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TRUSTS AND EQUITYLEWIN ON TRUSTSEighteenth Edition, Mainwork & SupplementLynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin, James BrightwellNEWFrequently cited in court, this revised guide providesany practitioner with the definitive text on the law andpractice of trusts. The Eighteenth Edition:• Offers comprehensive coverage of the entire law oftrusts, from general principles to current practice• Deals with the definition, classification andcreation of trusts• Covers the beneficiaries and their interests• Covers the appointment and discharge of trustees• Features coverage on the administration of thetrust property• Explains breach of trust and available remedies• Provides answers to questions that arise in moderntrust practice• Refers to Canadian, New Zealand, Australian,Channel Island and Caribbean decisions• Includes coverage of the latest decisions on trustlaw• Deals with constructive trusts and asset tracing• Provides full coverage of the impact of new antimoneylaundering legislation relating to trustees• Refers to Commonwealth decisions and suggestssolutions lacking in UK case law• New first supplement brings the EighteenthEdition completely up to date with all legislativechanges, new cases and general practicedevelopments• Includes access to the latest online supplement<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKOct 2011 9781847034649 HardbackHK$7,497Inheritance Act Claims: Law and PracticeThird EditionSidney RossNEWInheritance Act Claims: Law and Practice coversstatutory provision in circumstances of inadequateprovision in a will or under the laws of intestacy.It explains the law, practice and procedure in astraightforward and practical way, so practitioners canassess the merits of a potential claim along with itscost implications.• Covers all the relevant legislation and cases andexplains how the law is applied and what the courtmust take into account make when considering aclaim• Discusses practice and procedure, dealing withmatters that may arise before, during and aftermaking a claim under the 1975 Act• Contains a detailed set of appendices including allrelevant legislation, case summaries, rules, ordersand forms designed to help you build your claim• Includes questionnaires in the appendices,designed to help you assemble all the relevantfacts at the start of a case when either making orresisting a claim<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKOct 2011 9780414048515 HardbackHK$2,494Equity & Trusts: Commentary and MaterialFifth EditionDal PontNEWThe fifth edition of Equity and Trusts: Commentaryand Materials builds on the strengths of the previouseditions, and maintains its focus on prefacing case andstatutory extracts by statements of principle to guidethe student, and following extracts by comments andquestions that both test the reader’s understandingand develop aspects of extracted material. Everyeffort has been made to make the work as accessibleto the student as possible – in the main by ensuringthat most extracts are not unduly lengthy – whileat the same time focusing, chiefly via questions andcommentary, on the learning outcomes essential tothe study of equity and trusts.This new edition includes extracts from the followingimportant High Court judgments delivered since2006, the topics of which highlight that Australianequity is not standing still:• Kennon v Spry (nature of discretionarybeneficiaries’ interests)smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification271

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