international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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CIVIL PROCEDURE AND EVIDENCECommon law libraryArlidge, Eady & Smith on ContemptFourth EditionSir David Eady, Professor A T H Smith• Deals with contempt in both civil and criminalcasesNEW• Explains how the law of contempt had evolvedfollowing the introduction of Civil Procedure Rulesand the Human Rights Act 1998• Offers in-depth coverage of the complete rangeof case law from the House of Lords and SupremeCourt• Covers all the latest developments on issues suchas the protection of journalists’ sources, ‘John Doe’injunctions, openness of proceedings in the familycourts, and difficulty of guaranteeing a fair trial inthe light of prejudicial material on the internet• Contains extensive coverage of Commonwealthlaw, in particular that of Canada, New Zealand andAustralia<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2011 9780414043220 HardbackHK$4,133COMMON LAW LIBRARYBullen, Leake & Jacob’s Precedents ofPleadingsSeventeenth EditionLord Dan Brennan, QC, The Hon Mr Justice William Blair,The Right Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob,The Hon Mr Justice Brian LangstaffNEWBullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadingsis widely regarded as the essential guide to draftingstatements of case. It offers authoritative, structuredprecedents of statement of case complete withguiding commentary across both mainstream andspecialist areas of practice.The new Seventeenth Edition:• Covers all branches of litigation from commonareas such as personal injury and employment tothe more specialist ones such as sport and aviation• Includes a range of templates which can easily bemodified to assist you with the case on which youare working• Contains example claims and defences to helpensure you are aware of the correct procedures• Sets out each section in standard order, withcommentary followed by the precedents split byclaims and defences• Refers to case law and cites relevant legislation• Compiled by a team of over 60 leading barristers• Two new chapters covering competition andconstruction law• A completely revised chapter on Harassment –further to the coming into force of the EqualityAct 2010 – and Immigration, and substantialchanges to Clinical Negligence, Product Liability,Constructive Trust and Tracing and Judicial Review<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2011 9780414047754 HardbackHK$6,149DisclosureFourth EditionPaul Matthews, Hodge M Malek, QCNEWDisclosure provides an authoritative and detailedanalysis of the law relating to the process by whichparties to an action disclose to each other alldocuments relating to the action. It examines bothsubstantive law and procedure, discussing the who,what, how and when of disclosure obligations andexplaining the implications of non-compliance.• Updated to include the Civil ProcedureAmendment Rules 2010• Includes the latest developments in case law(mainly UK but also Commonwealth, Ireland andChannel Islands• Offers amended forms and precedents in line withkey changes in the law• Discusses key areas of change: electronicdisclosure, time of disclosure, Norwich Pharmacaland other pre-action disclosure<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2011 9780414047792 HardbackHK$3,508smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification117

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