international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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Contract LAWbeen long awaited. Former Chief Justice Spigelman ofthe Supreme Court of NSW writes in the Foreword tothis work:“Some years ago I indicated … an Australian versionwould be very welcome. I am very pleased DavidHughes has undertaken the task to assist Sir Kim toproduce an Australian edition … I have no doubt it willmake a significant contribution to both the draftingand the application of contracts in the Australian legalsystem.”Now barrister David Hughes and Sir Kim Lewisonhave thoroughly revised the English text to reflectAustralian law, while retaining the structure andprinciples of interpretation of the first nine chapters ofthe English edition.These principles of construction and interpretation arediscussed in chapters which proceed through the keyrules governing each of them. Extracts and summariesof decisions are provided to illustrate the applicationof those rules. The text’s insights will inform theprocess of drafting or revising a contract by identifyingkey principles and discussing them comprehensively,yet concisely, with reference to case law.By enabling lawyers to construct arguments rootedin the case law, this new Australian work will helplawyers better challenge contracts and explain theirinadequacies.Thomson Reuters AustraliaOct 2011 9780455228686 PaperbackHK$2,548The Law of Contract in CanadaSixth EditionProfessor Gerald H.L. Fridman, Q.C., F.R.S.C.NEWThe previous editions of The Law of Contract havebeen cited or quoted by judges in more than 100decisions. Even more such citations and quotationshave taken place since the publication of the FifthEdition. The sixth edition of this classic work continuesto organize and rationalize legal research to save youtime and your clients money.Revised and updated since its previous publication in2006. The Law of Contract in Canada, Sixth Edition,retains all the fundamental concepts of contractlaw while incorporating new information, includingcommentary on recent changes wrought by judicialdecision-makers. In particular the discussion offundamental and innominate terms, performance,breach of contract, frustration, assignment anddamages has been revised and new chapters writtenon conditions precedent and exclusion terms.The Sixth Edition contains all the most currentdevelopments in Canadian contract law such asgood faith in contracting and performance damagesfor mental distress; tenders; certain aspects ofconsideration; part performance; aspects of mistake;invalidity; contingency fees; severance; repentanceof illegality; interpretation of express terms; impliedterms.CarswellAug 2011 9780779836468 HardbackHK$2,499BROOKERS CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LAWHANDBOOK 2011NEWThis handbook contains a collection of consolidatedcontract and commercial legislation drawn fromBrookers New Zealand Law Partner electronicdatabase. It is the most comprehensive collection ofcontract and commercial legislation in bound form.Legislation is consolidated to 1 February 2010.Practitioners, students, academics and anyone whoneeds to refer to a specific area of commercial law willfind this handbook to be invaluable.BrookersMar 2011 BRCONTLAW10 PaperbackHK$752Exclusion Clauses and Unfair ContractTermsTenth EditionDr Richard LawsonNEWConsiders both how the courts have interpretedexclusion clauses and how Parliament have enacted aseparate set of controls.• Shows you how to draft exclusion clauses that arelawful, valid and effective• Deals with both commercial and consumer stylecontracts170+852 3762 3222 www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.comPrices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

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