international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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Hong Kong Academic titlestheir application by reference to case law and the keylegislation.Author Mark Hsiao is an expert in the field with awealth of practical and academic experience• Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong• Taught financial law at University of London andwas the director for the MBA Banking on theUniversity of London External Programme• Lectured Equity & Trust, English Commercial Law,Company Law, and Banking & Finance at theBangor UniversityContains legal and regulatory rules of the five mainfinancial entities/markets: Hong Kong, China,The United States, European Union and UnitedKingdom• Laws of each region are illustrated and compared• Provides information on how these marketsinteract with each other to co-exist in the<strong>international</strong> financial market• Covers the regulatory schemes in place to preventthe abuse of the banking system leading toanother financial crisisEfficiently guides the reader through legalprinciples related to banking practice and financialregulations in four, convenient parts• Foundation of the markets – a view of whatconstitutes the markets• International transaction fundamentals – basicquestions and answers asked in the beginning of<strong>international</strong> transactions, e.g. conflict of laws• Risk mitigation – examination of the importanttechniques and strategies essential to both<strong>international</strong> and domestic instruments• Rules and regulations – discusses those whichhave an impact on the <strong>international</strong> transactions<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Nov 2011 978 962 66145 3 2 PaperbackContract Law in Hong KongLee MasonNEWContract Law in Hong Kong has become substantiallylocalised in recent years. There have been manyimportant local cases, including seminal judgmentsin key areas such as undue influence. HongKong’s legislation has unique aspects, such as theUnconscionable Contracts Ordinance. What’s more,the application of contract law has to be understoodin the context of a Hong Kong setting. Contract Lawin Hong Kong is therefore a very welcome and timelypublication. Written by an expert, Mr Lee Mason, it iscomprehensive in scope, emphasises the large body oflocal law, and is written in a clear style that demystifiesintricate areas of law.Written by an expert in contract law – Mr Lee Mason• Assistant Professor of Law at the University ofHong Kong, teaches primarily in the area ofContract Law on both the JD and LLB programmes• Has written extensively on contract lawDemystifies complex principles• Explains the underlying principles of contract law• Elucidates some of the more intricate aspects ofcontract lawFocuses on local law and application in particular• Provides a clear and comprehensive account of themodern law of contract, written in the context ofHong Kong setting• High relevance to Hong Kong’s contract lawpractice.Table of contentsPart I – Formation of a Contract1. Offers and Invitations to Treatsmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification53

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