international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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academiccourts getting busier and busier and insisting onhigher professional standards, this is an essential workfor anyone engaged in criminal practice.A practical ‘survival kit’ plus much more• Emphasises good professional practice and riskavoidance measures to protect the practicingsolicitor from accusations of negligence orunprofessional conduct• Focuses on problems practitioners are likely toencounter, provides practical guidance on howto deal with these situations, and to obtain themaximum advantage for the client• Illustrates processes from receiving clients’instructions to guidance through the entirelitigation process• Contains sample documents to use, tricks of thetrade, and detailed checklistsWritten by experienced criminal litigation experts• Christopher Knight, senior partner at Knight & Ho,has been practicing law in Hong Kong for over 30years• Anthony Upham has had <strong>international</strong> experiencein practicing criminal law and now teaches on theLLB and the PCLL at the University of Hong KongSubstantially new and expanded content• Topics such as preparation for trial and videorecorded interviews have been expanded• New chapters on The Duty Lawyer and LegalAid, The Solicitor as Prosecutor, and Conflicts ofInterestTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Receiving Instructions to Visit a PersonDetained in Custody2. Visiting a Person in Police Custody3. Accompanying a Client to a Police Station4. Identification Parades5. First Appearance Before a Magistrate and Applicationsfor Bail6. Subsequent Appearances Before a Magistrate: Transfersto the District Court and Committal Proceedings;Transfers Between Courts7. Obtaining the Case Papers and Advising on Plea8. Preparing for a Plea of Guilty or for Trial9. Trials10. Pleas of Mitigation11. Reviews12. Appeals13. Applications to the Court of First Instance for BailPending Trial and Applications for Bail Pending Appeal14. Juveniles15. Appearance Before Special Magistrates16. Termination of Retainer17. The Basic Law, the Bill of Rights Ordinance and Abuse ofProcess18. Costs19. The Duty Lawyer and Legal Aid20. The Solicitor as Prosecutor21. Conflicts of Interest<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Sep 2011 978 962 66142 1 1 PaperbackDarbyshire on the English Legal SystemTenth EditionProfessor Penny DarbyshireNEWDarbyshire on the English Legal System providesstudents with an engaging, thought-provoking andhighly readable introduction to the contemporarylegal system of England and Wales.• Explains both new and old laws derived fromthe ELS, guiding students through a text whichdiscusses legal principals, historical context andpractice procedure• Considers the various functions and powers ofindividuals and institutions within the ELSIncludes analysis of the latest case lawdevelopments, especially in criminal procedure andhuman rights• Discusses other key developments such as thejudicial diversity project• Contains a list of further reading at the end of eachchapter so that students can undertake furtherstudysmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification75

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