international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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Company law and insolvency• Gives guidance on civil disqualificationproceedings, including the application process,conduct before and during proceedings, evidenceand costs• Covers termination without a full trial for civildisqualification cases with particular emphasis ondisqualification undertakings.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9781847033338 HardbackHK$3,025Goode ON Proprietary Rights and Insolvencyin Sales TransactionsThird EditionSimon Mills, Professor Sir Roy Goode, QCThe original and penetrating treatment of theacquisition and loss of proprietary rights undercontracts of sale provides an indispensable source onthis topic. It provides a concise, lucid and evaluativeexplanation of the law surrounding this area,allowing complex, technical issues to be more readilyunderstood.• Explains legal principles with unsurpassed clarity.• Incorporates detailed discussion of recent case lawto show how the principles have been applied bythe courts• Highlights problem areas and offers clearly arguedsolutions.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9781847033260 HardbackHK$1,606Shareholders’ AgreementsFifth EditionSean Fitzgerald, Graham MuthThis highly regarded work contains in-depth guidanceon the law governing all forms of shareholderagreement and advice on drafting these agreements.This new edition incorporates the major impact of theCompanies Act 2006 and includes an updated andexpanded set of precedents.• Covers all forms of shareholder agreement in onevolume• Gives guidance on typical transactions,highlighting the commercial issues facing theclient• Identifies potential problem areas and offerspractical solutions.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKNov 2009 9780421932302 Hardback, CD-ROMHK$2,947THE HONG KONG LAW LIBRARYThe Law & Practice of Hong Kong CompaniesThird EditionJohn Brewer WL NEWThis practical book will present you with everythingthat you need for your day to day practice. Fromincorporation to dissolution, formation of jointventures, the purchase of sole trader and partnershipbusiness to civil and criminal proceedings. This bookwill be your ideal source for your answers to any andall questions on Hong Kong companies.The new edition of this highly popular and practicalwork offers you even more coverage and detail.NEW CONTENT includes the practice and procedureon the listing of companies on the Hong KongExchange; the continuing obligations of directorsand officers of such companies; and suspension,cancellation and withdrawal of listing of suchcompanies’ shares.NEW CHAPTERS include Regulation ofListed Companies and Takeovers, Mergers andReconstructions.• A comprehensive guide to help you fullyunderstand company practice• Valuable local expertise with up to dateinformation• Includes the necessary documents for a widevariety of company transactions• Suitable for Legal Practitioners, In-house counsel,Company Secretaries, Accountants, Directors,Academia and Financial Intermediaries.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Concepts & Procedures2. Incorporation of Hong Kong Companies3. Registration of Hong Kong Branch of ForeignCorporationssmhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification153

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