Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...

Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...

Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...


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world is watching!” echoed from below, horrified Convention delegates watched fromtheir hotel windows, yelling and booing (“In the Streets” A10).<strong>The</strong> world, or rather the American public, was indeed watching. About 89 millionAmericans watching television that night saw almost twenty minutes <strong>of</strong> the “mayhem”that erupted around the media in front <strong>of</strong> the hotel (McWilliams 55). <strong>The</strong>y saw CBSNews reporter Mike Wallace get punched in the face, and twenty other reportersassaulted. Footage <strong>of</strong> the rioting also reached the delegates at the InternationalAmphitheater as Senator Abraham Ribic<strong>of</strong>f was nominating Senator George McGovernfor President. An impassioned Ribic<strong>of</strong>f paused to scold <strong>May</strong>or Daley, famously shockingthe Convention by stating that if McGovern was in charge, there would not be “Gestapotactics on the streets <strong>of</strong> Chicago.” An appalled nation watched the television coverage aspolice and National Guard brutally beat the crowd and arrested more than 250demonstrators and bystanders. 70In the confusion, it is unclear what happened to many <strong>of</strong> the protest leaders. OnWednesday morning Abbie H<strong>of</strong>fman was arrested for painting “fuck” on his forehead inan attempt to avoid getting his photograph taken by journalists. Rennie Davis was injuredin the afternoon skirmish and needed nine stitches to his scalp. Tailed by undercoverChicago police, Rubin was arrested Wednesday night. Hayden was arrested for thesecond time that week. Dellinger, with his bullhorn, desperately tried to negotiate apeaceful resolution with the police. But the crowd took on a life <strong>of</strong> its own, pouring intothe streets enraged. Individuals from across the nation, representing all manner <strong>of</strong>70 According to a report conducted by the City <strong>of</strong> Chicago, a total <strong>of</strong> 641 people were arrested duringconvention week (EX HU4, WHCF, Box 60, LBJ Library).180

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