Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME – BLOOD SAVES LIVESSri LankaThe Seat of a SpecialRegional ImpetusThe Ministry of <strong>Health</strong> andIndigenous <strong>Me</strong>dicine of theGovernment of Sri Lanka incollaboration <strong>with</strong> the National<strong>Blood</strong> Transfusion ServiceMinister of <strong>Health</strong> and Indigenous <strong>Me</strong>dicine, Mr Sirpala de Silvacommemorated <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day2000 by convening an <strong>int</strong>erregionalconference on the themeof “<strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Blood</strong> TransfusionPractices—Year 2000”. This majorevent took place on 7 and 8 Aprilat Bandaranayake <strong>Me</strong>morialInternational Conference Hall inColombo. Participants includeddelegates from India, Pakistan,Bhutan and Bangladesh and 150staff members of National <strong>Blood</strong>Transfusion Services from all overSri Lanka. Consultants (bloodusers), haematologists, mediapersonnel, blood donors, donororganizations, clergymen andstudents also participated.Technical sessions were held onstrategies for safe blood whichincluded:— organization and managementof blood programmes— motivation and recruitment ofvoluntary blood donors— screening blood for infectiousmarkers— appropriate clinical use ofblood; and— quality assurance programmesin transfusion services.During the <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Daycommemoration, the contributionof voluntary non-remuneratedblood donors was acknowledged byawarding gold medals andcertificates to those <strong>who</strong> donatedblood more than fifty times.Organizers of annual blooddonation campaigns were alsoawarded certificates and theircontribution to the National <strong>Blood</strong>Programme was appreciated bythe Hon. Minister of <strong>Health</strong>. <strong>Safe</strong>blood pins sent from WHO/HQwere awarded to donors <strong>who</strong> haddonated more than ten times.WorkshopIn the scientific session, various<strong>int</strong>ernational experts covereddifferent technical aspects ofblood banking such as blood groupserology, blood componentpreparations and infectious95 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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