Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME – BLOOD SAVES LIVESSouth AfricaDrawing attention to theneed for safe bloodAs many as 15–20% of the SouthAfrican population have beenaffected by the HIV virus. Althoughits blood transfusion services(BTS) have the resources andtechnology to screen donations bythe most modern andsophisticated systems, the priorityis clearly to identify and educatelow-risk blood donors and tomotivate them to donate regularly.It is therefore not surprising thatthe BTS, the Department of<strong>Health</strong>, health care workers andthe public at large embracedWHO’s choice of blood safety asthe theme for <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day2000.National and <strong>int</strong>ernationalharmonyTo harmonize activities, April2000 was designated as national<strong>Blood</strong> Donor Month, during whicha blue ribbon lapel badge waswidely distributed as a symbol forblood donation and the quest forsafe blood. All stakeholdersenthusiastically adopted thenational and <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Dayactivities. The Department of<strong>Health</strong> adopted a National <strong>Blood</strong>Policy in 1998, and on <strong>World</strong><strong>Health</strong> Day 2000, made public itspolicy to protect the blood supplyagainst the threat of HIV/AIDS.PartnershipsThe BTS collaborated <strong>with</strong> theDepartment of <strong>Health</strong> to maximiseimpact, widely distributing postersbefore, on and after 7 April. Thesuccessful build-up also involvedmajor businesses, religious communities,the media, telephonenetworks, educational institutionsand health care workers. Theresponse was overwhelming.The Democratic Nursing Organisationof South Africa (DENOSA), inassociation <strong>with</strong> the InternationalCouncil of Nurses, publiclyaffirmed their support in NursingUpdate. Nurses play a key role inMinister of <strong>Health</strong>, Dr Manto Tshabalala Msimang,<strong>with</strong> a blood donor.practising safe injection techniques,safeguarding health andblood, and providing counsel onhealthy life styles, combating drugabuse and promoting blood donorprogrammes.Major eventsOn <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day the Ministerof <strong>Health</strong>, Dr Manto TshabalalaMsimang chaired amedia launch at theJohannesburg InternationalAirport. Instressing that bloodis a nationalresource and thatall patients areentitled to low-riskblood, Mrs Msimangshowed that a safeblood supply is acornerstone of theNational <strong>Blood</strong>17 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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