Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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marquee on “how do we testblood?”, “how do we collectblood?” and “<strong>who</strong> can be a bloodor bone marrow donor?” In all,817 donors gave blood in Katowiceand its regional blood banks <strong>with</strong>excellent press, radio and TVcoverage.In downtown Lodz, citizens gaveblood in an ambulance and learntfrom talks and flyers theimportance of safe blood. <strong>Blood</strong>donations in the Radom area werefilmed by local TV stations andbroadcast in the afternoon news.In Cracow, the Red CrossDemonstrations in the marqueeorganized a press conference <strong>with</strong>the RBC employees, the voluntaryblood donors club, journalists,high school students and thegeneral public.Employees of Polish publictelevision gave blood at theNational Centre for Transfusion<strong>Me</strong>dicine/Institute of Haematologyand <strong>Blood</strong> Transfusion, whichnaturally got good coverage.Before the event, the RBC inLublin asked all local radio and TVstations and newspapers tosupport campaigns to promotevoluntary blood donation and BTSactivities. Themessages weregleaned from anofficial letter fromWHO’s Director-General to the lateMrs FranciszkaCegielska, Poland’sMinister of <strong>Health</strong>.Editorials on thesubject werethereforeprepared,<strong>int</strong>erviews <strong>with</strong> the employees ofthe RBC broadcast, and on 6 April,Lublin TV transmitted “Talk of theDay” <strong>with</strong> the Managing Directorof the Regional Centre.During the <strong>who</strong>le month of Aprilthe RBC in Kalisz ran acompetition for 40 high schoolscalled “The Vampiriade”, duringwhich 835 students donated blood.The project aimed to promote“voluntary blood donation” andspread awareness of how uniqueand irreplaceable blood is, andhow safe it is to donate blood inPoland. Local businesses providedvaluable prizes (TVs, CD players,sporting equipment), and theevent led to many studentsbecoming regular blood donors.Cracow organized 13 mobilecollections under the banners“<strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Starts</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Me</strong>” and“<strong>Blood</strong> Saves Life” which attracted419 donations. Two collectionsorganized in high schools for thefirst time saw 154 graduatingstudents give blood. At the end ofApril, the RBC employees tookpart in a two-hour live radioprogramme on safe blood,answering many calls from thepublic.The success of the mobile bloodcollections in Bialystok—aselsewhere in Poland—can beattributed in part to mediasupport and lectures given prior tothe event advertising voluntaryblood donation. Together <strong>with</strong> thehospital blood banks, informationmaterials were distributed andblood collection sessions held atuniversities, high schools,manufacturing companies, etc. bythe RBC and a lecture on “<strong>Safe</strong>blood and modern transfusionmedicine” delivered to nurses. Insmall towns visited by RegionalCentre employees for the firsttime, special posters weredisplayed.In townThe National <strong>Blood</strong> TransfusionCentre/Institute of Haematologyand <strong>Blood</strong> Transfusion in Warsawjoined <strong>with</strong> a city businesssponsor to organize a blood72 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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