Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME – BLOOD SAVES LIVESIndiaSetting the ToneDelhiDr Uton Muchtar Rafei, RegionalDirector of WHO’s South-East AsiaRegional Office (SEARO),highlighted an urgent need todevelop national strategies forsafe blood transfusion and toensure their efficient implementation.His message set the tonefor activities in the Region, andthis article provides just a glimpseof the wealth of activities carriedout to address blood safety issuesin States and cities all over India.Inaugural function of SeminarA Seminar on the RationalUse of <strong>Blood</strong> was organized bythe All India Institute of <strong>Me</strong>dicalSciences on 7 April 2000 at theIndia Habitat Convention Centre.The objectives of the seminarwere to train clinicians inGovernment and private hospitalson the risks of blood transfusion,the need for safe, voluntary blooddonations and judicious use ofblood and blood components.Around 150 clinicians fromdifferent specialities, i.e.gynaecology and obstetrics,anaesthesia, surgery, paediatrics,cardiothoracic and vascularsurgery, physicians, andorthopaedic surgery hospitaladministration, participated in theseminar.The Minister of Information andBroadcasting, Shri Arun Jaitely,inaugurated the event, that wasMiss <strong>World</strong> on the podiumchaired by the Dean of the AllIndia Institute of <strong>Me</strong>dicalSciences. Topics covered by theeminent speakers from differentspecialities were:— red cell conservation in cardiacsurgeries— autologous blood transfusion— blood component use: currentneeds— ensuring blood safety: WHOstrategiesA panel discussion on blood safetyincluded distinguished guests fromthe media, the blood regulatoryauthority, transfusion services,general surgery and microbiology.Participants left the seminarstimulated to reflect carefully onhow to make blood transfusion assafe as possible.A public function in honour ofvoluntary blood donors wasorganized in the auditorium of the89 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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