Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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Argentina that led to wastage andinefficiencies. Taking advantage ofthe presence of the DeputyMinsiter of <strong>Health</strong> of Saskatchewanin Canada, she illustratedher po<strong>int</strong> by comparing the 500blood banks in Argentina to the 20Canadian counterparts. At the endof the Workshop, all provincessigned a 10-po<strong>int</strong> agreement toaddress the issues raised.Key partnersThe Argentine Association ofHaemotherapy and Immunohaematologywas among the manyorganizations that had specialeditions of their newslettersdevoted to safe blood donation. Inits March copy, the AAHI notedthat it was not money, but politicalwill and an organized educationalcampaign that would achieve thegoal of 100% screening of donatedblood. Colourful posters,calendars, Q&As, leaflets, allreinforced the central message toan increasing network ofindividuals.Leading hospitals and bloodbanks—such as theHaemotherapy Unit of the HospitalPablo-Soria (Jujuy), the GermanHospital, the HaematologyFoundation Sarmiento to name buta few—also campaigned to attractsafe blood donors. Sometimesprivate industry was targeted, atother times famous personalities,politicians, or religious orderssupported the cause. Certificateswere awarded to loyal donors atmany of the events, and theLaboratory of Haemotherapywrote personal thank-you lettersto donors on their register.Representatives from PAHOparticipated in a first meetingconvened by the DistanceEducation Programme to make anexternal evaluation of blood donorscreening and discuss theproposed document on Standardsin <strong>Blood</strong> Banks. Drs Ana del Pozoand Mabel Maschio, Directors ofthe Distance Learning Programmefor <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, announced thesuccessful training to date of3,780 professionals working inblood banks.<strong>Me</strong>dia messagesBoth the general andspecialized press—atnational, provincial andlocal levels—played amagnificent role indisseminatinginformation produced bygovernmental,nongovernmental andPAHO sources.“Did you know that one unitof your blood could savethree or four lives?”“Your new blood brotherawaits you—please answer his call”“Thank you for sharing yourhealth <strong>with</strong> others”Radio messages placed by theLaboratory of HaemotherapyThe awareness campaign in<strong>Me</strong>ndoza was so effective that thegovernment press office recordeda video that was later aired as aspot on both television channelsfor two weeks.Short convincing messages (seeinset) were aired on local andnational radio stations, and atelevision <strong>int</strong>erview outlined theobjectives of the Voluntary DonorsClub, which it is hoped to turn <strong>int</strong>oa genuine club <strong>with</strong> its own firstclassdatabase.A colourful educational campaign30 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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