Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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express gratitude to theorganizers and persons involved inpromoting the role of voluntaryblood donation and at the sametime to encourage moreorganizations to get involved <strong>int</strong>he noble cause. The need for100% voluntary blood donationwas highlighted, and the importantcontribution of Buddhist monks inSri Lanka in the promotion of thevoluntary blood donationmovement was recognized.As a new step to improve thesystem for voluntary blooddonation, the Lions Club of SriLanka donated a multimediaprojector for the donor awarenessprogramme, and five computers toupdate the donor database.A conference souvenir waspublished by the NBTS, comprisingarticles prepared by the staff ontheir experiences in the field ofblood transfusion.ConclusionThe <strong>int</strong>er-regional conferencesignificantly increased awarenessamong the public on theimportance of governmentcommitment for a National <strong>Blood</strong>Programme in order to ensureblood safety in Sri Lanka. Thisalso opened the way for all SAARC(South Asian Association forRegional Cooperation) countries toshare resources for blood safetythroughout the region. Thefollowing outcomes of theconference were welcomed :— SAARC Association ofTransfusion <strong>Me</strong>dicineformulated— National <strong>Blood</strong> Programme forvoluntary donation formulated— Draft National <strong>Blood</strong> Policyforwarded for approval— Project identified to establishdatabase for voluntary donors.For the development of bloodtransfusion services in Sri Lanka,it was considered appropriate toplace immediate focus on thefollowing:— <strong>int</strong>roduce a postgraduatedegree course (MD inTransfusion <strong>Me</strong>dicine)— rigid enforcement of voluntary,non-remunerated blooddonation programmes acrossthe country— no privatization of bloodservices by nursing homes— disaster management andcomputerized links between allcentres. ▲For more information on bloodsafety activities in Sri Lanka,contact:Dr (Mrs) R.M. BindusaraDirectorNational <strong>Blood</strong> Transfusion ServicesKynsey RoadColombo 8.Tel/Fax: + 94 1692 31797 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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