Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME – BLOOD SAVES LIVESCôte d’IvoireThis West African nationcelebrated, along <strong>with</strong> the rest ofthe world, <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day on7 April 2000, a day devoted tosafe blood transfusion. Abidjan,Bouaké, Korhogo and Daloa—our four towns <strong>with</strong> a <strong>Blood</strong>Transfusion Centre—were thenatural choice for the focus ofactivities. Each location followed adesignated programme as follows:● global gathering followed by ablood donor march;● operation “give blood”;● official speeches;● a show on blood donation;● prize-giving ceremony for loyaland worthy blood donors;● cocktail and closing ceremony.A capital affairIn Abidjan, first city of the nation,more than a thousand blooddonors assembled at the Sa<strong>int</strong>Paul Cathedral under thepatronage of the Minister of<strong>Health</strong> and Social Affairs toembark on their 5 km marchtowards the Esplanade of theTown Hall. On this bright Fridaymorning, walkers sportingcolourful T-shirts <strong>with</strong> the “safeblood starts <strong>with</strong> me” logoadvanced to the catchy rhythm ofthe fanfare. All ten communes ofthe capital were represented, andcarried banners advertisingslogans such as “Someone’s blood,another one’s life” “To give blood isan act of brotherly love” or again“<strong>Blood</strong>: a shared lifeline”.Walkers received a special escortfrom the metropolitan PoliceForce, the Emergency <strong>Me</strong>dical AidService (SAMU), the Fire Brigadeand aides from the Red Crossthroughout the entire routetowards their destination.On arrival, they were greeted bydignitaries <strong>who</strong> had preparedspecial messages for the occasion.The Mayor of Abidjan’s representativewas the first to applaud theoccasion, followed by thePresidents of the National Unionof Voluntary <strong>Blood</strong> Donors and theIvorian Red Cross, theWHO Country Representativeand culminating<strong>with</strong> that of the Ministerof <strong>Health</strong> and SocialAffairs of the nation. Atthe heart of all theseaddresses were the needto motivate and retainblood donors, tostrengthen bloodtransfusion services,nationwide praise forblood donors and theircritical role in assuringgood health in the population ofCôte d’Ivoire.Integrated in the official tone ofthis commemorative event werespecially created performances bytalented local artists, <strong>who</strong> drewattention to the vital need forvoluntary blood donations, and<strong>who</strong> were supported in theirefforts by the <strong>int</strong>ermittent playingof enchanting melodies offered by<strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day 2000 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire15 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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