Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

Safe Blood Starts with Me - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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Brief <strong>int</strong>roduction to theMongolian Humane Association of <strong>Blood</strong>The MHAB is a nongovernmental humane organization that services the <strong>int</strong>erests ofblood donors. The association was registered by the Ministry of Law in May 1999 <strong>with</strong>the objective to protect people’s health during national health care reform. The associationunites 25,000 members including 200 veterans of donor movements and 1,850 honourabledonors. Our supreme goal is to develop the life saving charitable activity of blood donors inMongolia and to supply hospitals <strong>with</strong> guaranteed safe blood from certified donors.<strong>Me</strong>ssage from the Association to WHO Director-General“We should like to congratulate you on behalf of thousands of Mongolian donors, andinform you that the Mongolian Humane Association of <strong>Blood</strong> is sustaining its activities <strong>int</strong>he blood service field of health care. <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day 2000 was widely observed in ourcountry this year. And on that day, the Mongolian President N. Bagabandi visited the <strong>Blood</strong>Centre in Ulaanbaatar. In his speech he advised us to extend cooperation <strong>with</strong> similarexternal organizations and recruit more people <strong>int</strong>o our donor movement throughacknowledgement of the importance of this movement.We are using this material in health education programmes. There are 15,300 voluntarydonors in Ulaanbaarar, <strong>who</strong> donate 5,216 litres of blood which produce 12 kinds of bloodproducts each year. But that amount supplies only 60% of necessary blood products inhospitals. And only 0,5% of citizens are involved in donor movement, therefore we shouldput more effort to fulfil blood requirements. On <strong>World</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Day we opened a donoreducation cabinet at the <strong>Blood</strong> Centre in Ulaanbaatar.Further we hope to participate in <strong>int</strong>ernational events on donor movement and want toseek support from WHO.in the development of bloodtransfusion services in Mongolia.Our doctors and specialists ofblood transfusion services arecommitted to supporting anational programme that wouldprovide blood and blood products,and guarantee blood safety. ▲For further information on bloodsafety activities in Mongolia,contact:Dr D. UlaankhuuDirector of the <strong>Blood</strong> CentreMinistry of <strong>Health</strong> and SocialWelfareUlaanbaatarTel: +976 11 324871Fax: +976 11 372857E-mail: bloodcenter@mongol.net.112 ▲ WORLD HEALTH DAY ▼ SAFE BLOOD STARTS WITH ME

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