Toronto Sep. 2015

2015 September issue of Taste of Life Magazine, France and Canada's leading luxury lifestyle magazine in Chinese and English.

2015 September issue of Taste of Life Magazine, France and Canada's leading luxury lifestyle magazine in Chinese and English.


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7.88加 東 版 | Canada East | <strong>Sep</strong>tember <strong>2015</strong>LIAN XUSHEN YUN DANCER翩 翩 伊 人 在 水 一 方LIGHTING THROUGH THE AGES歲 月 如 光DECADENT DUOS: TEA AND MOONCAKES圓 月 當 空 暗 香 來THE TEMPLE WHISPERER島 國 追 古Taste of Life Magazineis published 9 times a year.<strong>Sep</strong>tember <strong>2015</strong><strong>2015</strong> 年 9 月www.tasteoflifemag.comPUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Wendy GuoEXECUTIVE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Echo LiMANAGING EDITOR Rui Chen (Chinese), Brett Price(English)ART DIRECTOR ChanJuan LiCONTRIBUTORSJanine Mackie, Laine McDonnell, Wendy Jacob,James Dolan, Kate MissineTRANSLATION Xiu HuaPEOPLEYun CanHOME DECORCherry ChenHOMES AND REAL ESTATEBrett PriceFASHIONMany NgomFOODSha LanTRAVELBrett PriceART Aiqin Zang, Evan Lin, Many NgomPHOTOGRAPHY Hsuyi Shih, Milos TosicGENERAL MANAGER Li Wan (<strong>Toronto</strong>)CHINESE MARKETING DIRECTOR Sharee DongDIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION Christie ShangPUBLIC RELATION SPECIALISTS Angela Dene, James Huang, Sonia XieADVERTISING(647) 968-1612 (<strong>Toronto</strong>) | (604) 754-8809 (Vancouver)Email: info@tasteoflifemag.comSubscriber Services(416) 271-8436 (<strong>Toronto</strong>) | (778) 938-2965 (Vancouver)tasteoflifemag.com/subscribePaid SubscriptionOne year subscription (9 issues) $60(Includes postage and handling. HST included)COVER STORYWATER LILY翩 翩 伊 人 在 水 一 方—— 訪 「 神 韻 藝 術 團 」 舞 蹈 演 員 連 旭Taste of Life MagazineTel: (604) 754-8809 Fax: (604) 227-0266All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or by anymeans, whether electronic, mechanical or photographic, without written permission ofthe publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained inthis publication is accurate and complete on publication date. The publisher cannot beheld liable for errors or omissions.This English-Chinese bilingual magazine is made possible with the support ofthe Ontario Media Development Corporation8

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