2015 Global Terrorism Index Report_0_0

2015 Global Terrorism Index Report_0_0


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convoy with members of the British embassy in Kabul<br />

which led to six deaths.<br />


INCIDENTS 891<br />

DEATHS 3,477<br />

INJURIES 3,310<br />

LOCATION <strong>OF</strong> ATTACKS<br />



All but one attack by the Taliban was committed in<br />

Afghanistan. Forty-eight per cent of attacks were<br />

through bombings which killed an average of three<br />

people per attack. Whilst only 12 per cent of attacks<br />

were suicide bombings, they accounted for 19 per cent<br />

of fatalities with an average of 6.4 deaths per attack.<br />

Armed assaults were 23 per cent of attacks and 35 per<br />

cent of deaths. Most armed assaults were against the<br />

police, with the Taliban targeting checkpoints and<br />

police posts.<br />

Founded in 1994 by Mohamad Omar, the group was<br />

originally constituted by a mixture of Mujahedeen,<br />

who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan<br />

in the 1980s, and a group of Pashtun tribesmen. The<br />

Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 1996 and ruled<br />

until 2001, when they were overthrown by the US-led<br />

invasion of Afghanistan. They have since regrouped as<br />

an insurgency movement to fight the now former<br />

Karsai administration and the NATO-led International<br />

Security Forces (ISAF). Now known as the ‘Neo-Taliban’<br />

or the Quetta Shura Taliban due to the current location<br />

of their leadership, the organisation has rebranded<br />

itself as an independence movement in an attempt to<br />

gain support as it attempts to recapture and take<br />

control of Afghanistan.<br />

In 2014 the Taliban killed the most people from<br />

terrorism since the invasion of Afghanistan in 2002.<br />

There were 3,477 people killed from 891 attacks, which<br />

is a 38 per cent increase in fatalities and 48 per cent<br />

increase in attacks from the previous year. The Taliban<br />

are seeking to destabilise the country through<br />

undermining the institutions of government. For this<br />

reason the police were the major target of the Taliban,<br />

accounting for 45 per cent of incidents and 53 per cent<br />

of deaths. On average there are 4.6 deaths per incident<br />

from attacks targeting the police. The second biggest<br />

target was private civilians who were targets for around<br />

20 per cent of both incidents and deaths, with an<br />

average of 4.3 deaths per attack. The government was<br />

also a major target, with the Taliban targeting convoys<br />

with government officials. This includes domestic<br />

officials, such as the attack on 22 January 2014 against<br />

the Shindand governor's convoy in Shindand district<br />

which led to five deaths. Another attack on 27<br />

November 2014 involved a suicide bomber attacking a<br />


INCIDENTS 154<br />

DEATHS 1,229<br />

INJURIES 395<br />



<strong>OF</strong> ATTACKS<br />


Fulani militants in Nigeria come from a semi-nomadic,<br />

pastoralist ethnic group and are engaged in conflict<br />

with farming communities. The Fulani, or Fula, people<br />

live in at least seven countries in West Africa and the<br />

tribe comprises over 20 million people. In Nigeria,<br />

Fulani communities have faced tension with farmer<br />

communities over resources for many years. Seventy<br />

per cent of Fulani’s are nomadic grazers. Groups of<br />

Fulani militants have used mainly machine guns and<br />

attacks on villages to assault and intimidate farmers.<br />

Alongside the destabilised security situation in Nigeria<br />

due to the increased activity of Boko Haram, there was a<br />

dramatic increase in attacks by Fulani militants in 2014.<br />

From 2010 to 2013, Fulani militants killed around 80<br />

people in total. In 2014, Fulani militants killed 1,229.<br />

Most of the attacks occur in just six of the 36 states of<br />

Nigeria. Unlike deaths from Boko Haram which are<br />

mainly in the north, the majority of deaths occur in the<br />

Middle Belt. The five states of Benue, Kaduna,<br />

Nasarawa, Plateau and Taraba recorded 847 deaths,<br />

which accounts for 69 per cent of the total. The state of<br />

GLOBAL <strong>TERRORISM</strong> INDEX 2015 | Trends<br />


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