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years before returning to full-time teaching and<br />

research. Reed holds the titles of regents professor;<br />

presidential professor for teaching excellence; and<br />

holder of the Edward “Pete; Aldridge ;; 0 professorship.<br />

She is also co-founder; board member and chief<br />

technology officer for Chandah Space Technologies<br />

;Sugar Land; Texas;; a commercial-space company<br />

specializing in on-orbit inspection capabilities.<br />

Prior to ;oining Texas A; M; Reed was with Arizona<br />

State - niversity; Tempe ;1; ; 5–200; ;. She also held<br />

positions at Tohoku - niversity ;Sendai; ;apan;;<br />

Stanford - niversity; California; Sandia National Laboratories<br />

;AlbuCuerCue; N.M.;; and the NASA Langley<br />

Research Center ;Hampton; . a.;.<br />

Reed has ; ; years of experience in physics-based<br />

understanding of the receptivity; stability and transition of boundary layers; enabling<br />

for high-altitude long-endurance unmanned vehicles; transports; and hypersonic<br />

trans-atmospheric vehicles. As lead computationalist; she has teamed with experimentalists<br />

throughout her career to achieve closure between theory and experiment;<br />

mature drag-reducing technologies; and advance modeling for ; -D configurations.<br />

In parallel; over the past 2; years she has pioneered important contributions to engineering<br />

education through her small-satellite design; build; fly programs; first at<br />

Arizona State ;AS- Sat Lab; and then at Texas A; M ;AggieSat Lab;. Her programs<br />

are rigorous in pro;ect management and systems engineering; and her students must<br />

develop; design and build as much of the pro;ect as possible from scratch. Reed and<br />

her students have completed four ma;or missions and teamed on two others; all<br />

launched. Of further note; her Three Corner Sat team was selected as the first winner<br />

of the - niversity Nanosat Program; established in 1; ; ; by the Air Force Research<br />

Laboratory and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.<br />

Reed has delivered many invited talks and lectures. She served as associate editor<br />

of the !nn?al !/!3/A 90 !l?3. ! /-2an3-!;1; ; ; –2000;; and she was the originator ;in<br />

1; ; ; ; of the ; allery of Fluid Motions at annual meetings of the American Physical<br />

Society;s ;APS; Division of Fluid Dynamics.<br />

An ASME Fellow; Reed was a member ;1; ; ; –; ; ; of the Applied Mechanics Division;s<br />

;AMD; Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee and served as chair ;1; ; ; –; ; ;.<br />

She was vice chair ;1; ; ; –; ; ; and chair ;1; ; ; –; ; ; of AMD;s ;unior Awards Committee;<br />

and was the Society;s AMD liaison ;1; ; ; –; ; ; on the American Institute of Aeronautics<br />

and Astronautics; ;AIAA; Technical Committee on Fluid Dynamics.<br />

Reed is also a Fellow of AIAA and APS; and a member of the American Astronautical<br />

Society; the American Society for Engineering Education ;ASEE; and the - nited<br />

States ; eospatial Intelligence Foundation. Since 201; Reed has been leading a subgroup<br />

for NATO;s Technical Team ;A. T ET 1; ; ; for Hypersonic ; oundary Layer<br />

Transition Prediction; and serving as chair of the AIAA Transition Discussion ; roup.<br />

She has been a consultant to the Institute for Defense Analysis since 201; ; and has been<br />

serving on the National Academies; Intelligence Science and Technology Experts<br />

; roup since 2015. Previously she served on the National Academies; Aeronautics and<br />

Space Engineering ; oard ;2011–15;; and; from 1; ; ; to 2001; she served on various<br />

NASA HeadCuarters Aeronautics Advisory committees; subcommittees; and task<br />

forces including the Federal Laboratory Review. She was the first woman member of<br />

the NATO; A; ARD ;Advisory ; roup for Aerospace Research and Development;<br />

Fluid Dynamics Panel ;1; ; 5–; ; ;.<br />

Among her other honors; Reed received the ;. Leland “Lee; Atwood Award ;200; ;<br />

from AIAA and ASEE; an Applied Aerodynamics ; est Paper award ;201; ; from AIAA;<br />

a Faculty Award for Women in Science and Engineering ;1; ; 1; and a Presidential<br />

1 oung Investigator Award ;1; ; ; –inaugural year; from the National Science Founda-<br />

25<br />


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