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; atey returned to - nion Carbide in early 1; ; ; as<br />

corporate NDE specialist and was responsible for<br />

developing procedures; and training and certifying<br />

NDE personnel. When - nion Carbide merged with The<br />

Dow Chemical Company in 2001; he was assigned to<br />

the Maintenance Technical Services group at ; reeport;<br />

Texas; as the site;s NDE specialist. In 200; he was<br />

appointed Dow;s global inspection leader. In this position<br />

until his retirement in September 201; ; ; atey was<br />

responsible for third-party inspections performed for<br />

Dow at supplier fabrication shops.<br />

Concurrent with his career with - nion Carbide and<br />

Dow; ; atey spent 2; years as a reservist in the - .S.<br />

Navy Seabees; retiring as a master chief petty officer in<br />

August 201; .<br />

An ASME ; ellow; ; atey has served on code committees since 1; ; ; . He has been vice<br />

chair of the ; oiler and Pressure . essel ;; P. ; . Working ; roup on Acoustic Emissions<br />

and Working ; roup on ; uided Wave - ltrasonic Testing since 2012. Prior leadership<br />

positions include vice chair ;1; ; ; –2002; and chair ;2002–1; ; of the ; P. Standards<br />

Committee on Nondestructive Examination ;. ;; chair of the ; P. . Subgroup on<br />

. olumetric Examination ;1; ; ; –2002;; and vice chair ;201; –1; ; of the Pressure Technology<br />

Post Construction Committee ;PCC;; and chair of its Executive Committee<br />

;201; –1; ; and the PCC Inspection Planning Subgroup ;2010–1; ;.<br />

; atey is a member of Sigma Pi Sigma; the Physics Honor Society.<br />

He earned his bachelor;s degree in physics; with honors; from Southwest Texas State<br />

- niversity; San Marcos; in 1; ; ; . ; atey received ASNT ;American Society for Nondestructive<br />

Testing; Level III certifications in radiographic; ultrasonic; liCuid penetrant;<br />

magnetic particle; leak and visual testing.<br />

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THE RO; ERT HENR1 TH- RSTON LECT- RE AWARD was established in 1; 2; in<br />

honor of ASME;s first president. It provides an opportunity for a leader in pure and; or<br />

applied science or engineering to present to the Society a lecture that encourages<br />

stimulating thinking on a sub;ect of broad interest to engineers. The Robert Henry<br />

Thurston Lecture Award was elevated to a Society award in 2000.<br />

ROMESH C. ; ATRA; Ph.D.; Clifton C. ; arvin professor; . irginia Polytechnic<br />

Institute and State - niversity; ; lacksburg; 09!9!!!!an.3n1 -9n!!3,!!39n!!9 !2/ !n./!!<br />

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Dr. ; atra ;oined . irginia Polytechnic Institute and State - niversity; ; lacksburg; as<br />

Clifton C. ; arvin professor of engineering science and mechanics in 1; ; ; . His ;ob<br />

responsibilities at . irginia Tech include mentoring graduate students in their dissertation<br />

research; teaching; helping professionally develop postdoctoral fellows and visiting<br />

scientists; serving on committees; and enhancing the visibility of the department<br />

and college internationally.<br />

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