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Class and Style Bindings 87<br />

7.1.2 Array Syntax<br />

We can also apply a list of classes to an element using an array of classnames.<br />

1 <br />

Applying conditionally a class, can also be achieved with the use of inline if inside the array.<br />

1 <br />

Info<br />

Inline if is commonly referred to as the ternary operator, conditional operator, or<br />

ternary if.<br />

The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands.<br />

The syntax of ternary operator is condition ? expression1 : expression2. If condition<br />

is true, the operator returns the value of expression1, otherwise, it returns the value of<br />

expression2.<br />

Using inline if, the flipping colors example will look like:<br />

1 <br />

3 <br />

5 Flip color!<br />

6 <br />

7 <br />

1 new Vue({<br />

2 el: 'body',<br />

3 data: {<br />

4 color: true<br />

5 },<br />

6 methods: {<br />

7 flipColor: function() {<br />

8 this.color = !this.color;<br />

9 }<br />

10 }<br />

11 });

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