
The vast history of the territory of the Euro-Region Galicia and the North of Portugal has enabled the footprints of the different settlers to be still perceptible these days. It is enriching to be able to visit the prehistoric monuments of these regions, for a better understanding of how life centuries ago was.

The vast history of the territory of the Euro-Region Galicia and the North of Portugal has enabled the footprints of the different settlers to be still perceptible these days. It is enriching to be able to visit the prehistoric monuments of these regions, for a better understanding of how life centuries ago was.


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From revolution to our days.<br />

The Gloriosa: the revolution<br />

that could have been<br />

In September 1868 the Gloriosa put an end to the reign of Isabel II, who<br />

left the country towards France, where she abdicated in favour of her son. The<br />

so-called Democratic Six-Year Period was started, where different solutions<br />

were attempted in order to establish a liberal system. The first measure that<br />

was proposed was to proclaim a constitutional monarchy. The chosen king<br />

was Amadeo I of Savoy, but his reign was brief, since he did not have any<br />

support. With the failure of the monarchic way, it was chosen the proclamation<br />

of the First Republic, which since the beginning had to face the existence of two<br />

irreconcilable tendencies: a centripetal and unifying one, and another, centrifuge<br />

and federal. The impossibility to reach a consensus and the growth of the tension<br />

were the perfect breeding ground for the planning of the return of Alfonso XII by<br />

those in favour of the Bourbon Restoration, something that finally happened in<br />

1874.<br />

The Restoration<br />

Alfonso XII, son and heir of Isabel II, started a process of restoration of the<br />

royal power. The established system was an institutional monarchy. In order<br />

to ensure control and stability, he resorted to a Portuguese-like solution: the<br />

alternation of two parties in the power, the Progressive Party and the Conservative<br />

Party. The initial success of the Bourbon Restoration started to come apart<br />

since the 1898 disaster. The loss of the last colonies felt like pouring cold water<br />

over a country that was very attached to this past of overseas control. This left a<br />

mark in the whole 98 generation. But not only that: the apparent calm also started<br />

to teeter and the solutions that had been taken only made the problem worse.<br />

Seeking to recover the lost prestige and fame, Spain decided to get involved in<br />

the scramble for Africa. The area that it got was part of the current Morocco.<br />

What Spain did not take into account was the expense in men and resources that<br />

were necessary to achieve an effective control.<br />

This was the situation that Alfonso XIII found when he was declared of legal age<br />

in 1902. The two-party system also started to give signals of exhaustion and<br />

the ideas related to the need to adopt force measures were gaining more and<br />

more support. In this context took place the Annual disaster, where the Spanish<br />

army suffered a severe defeat against the Riffs. The happenings rushed and with<br />

the general discontent, the king entrusted the power to general Miguel Primo de<br />

Rivera, who had just staged a coup d’état. The first years of his government had<br />

a relative success, especially in the military sphere. But after the initial victories,<br />


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