Eastlife January 2019

There are no January blues here, just pages of inspiration to help you get out and about and make a few good changes; be it within your life, health or home. With a New Year, comes new beginnings and we have you covered. Start your New Year by giving your home a little TLC. From renovations and refurbishments to kitchen overhauls and interior trends, there’s no room we’ve left untouched. A promise to get fit and healthier is a great way to start the year, but if you’re beginning to struggle, then read our guide to maintaining the health kick on page 58. Perhaps this year you’re one of the thousands of people who are trying ‘Veganuary’ for the first time, if so, we’ve made eating out a little easier with our pick of the best vegan food trucks, plus there’s a whole community of support with our Vegetarian & Vegan Facebook group. Join the chat at www.facebook.com/groups/Veggieandvegan. If you need something to look forward to read our guide to the biggest 2019 events on page 19.

There are no January blues here, just pages of inspiration to help you get out and about and make a few good changes; be it within your life, health or home. With a New Year, comes new beginnings and we have you covered.

Start your New Year by giving your home a little TLC. From renovations and refurbishments to kitchen overhauls and interior trends, there’s no room we’ve left untouched. A
promise to get fit and healthier is a great way to start the year, but if you’re beginning to struggle, then read our guide to maintaining the health kick on page 58.

Perhaps this year you’re one of the thousands of people who are trying ‘Veganuary’ for the first time, if so, we’ve made eating out a little easier with our pick of the best
vegan food trucks, plus there’s a whole community of support with our Vegetarian & Vegan Facebook group. Join the chat at www.facebook.com/groups/Veggieandvegan. If you need something to look forward to read our guide to the biggest 2019 events on page 19.


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a painting or in a garden. Or of course my all-time<br />

favourite, Pinterest. Or Instagram, but don’t say I<br />

didn’t warn you, it can become very addictive! Look<br />

for colours you love and you feel you could live with.<br />

If you don’t like bright colours, opt for colours in a<br />

muted tone. And remember, less is definitely more.<br />


Now I’m no Einstein, if fact, I once asked my maths teacher<br />

if he thought I would ever really use algebra, he apparently<br />

thought he knew me well by replying: “No, you won’t, but<br />

one of the smart kids might!” I did finally get over this.<br />

However, it pays to brush up on it as decorating is all about<br />

proportion and balance and it comes in very useful.<br />


This may sound like a simple idea, but when decorating<br />

a new room, our instincts are to rush out and buy all new<br />

stuff. That’s great if you have a healthy budget but what<br />

if you don’t? Make a list and even take photographs and<br />

attach them to a mood board. A mood board is merely a<br />

piece of paper or card with images, clippings, colour ideas<br />

and anything that inspires you. You could even make a<br />

Pinterest board for it and ask your friends what they think!<br />

Take photos of what you already have and add them to the<br />

board, that way when you are out you are not tempted to<br />

buy a replacement for an item you already own.<br />


If you already have an Ikea kitchen, leave<br />

the carcass and purchase just the doors.<br />


When you are faced with a blank canvas of a room, it<br />

can be pretty daunting of just where to start. So if you’re<br />

looking for inspiration, there are countless places to find<br />

it. I recently was helping a friend who found a piece of art<br />

she liked at Ikea. We formed the whole room around this,<br />

matching the colours and finishes and she absolutely adores<br />

it. Inspiration can be found in a beautiful scarf, a museum,<br />

9 COLOURS<br />

As far as colours go, if you have a reasonably good<br />

sized room, pretty much anything goes. That’s great<br />

I hear you say but what if my room is small or it has<br />

to do double or triple duty? This really does not have<br />

to be an issue. If you do have to divide the space,<br />

then it helps to designate each area before you start.<br />

That way you’ll know exactly how much space you<br />

have to work with in each section. This can be done<br />

by using different colours, finishes or flooring or all<br />

of the above. It may help to use masking tape to plot<br />

the area first and then measure. While we are talking<br />

about colour, get yourself a compass, I will let you into<br />

a little secret, light reflects differently on where it falls.<br />

So, for instance, ever wondered why that beautiful<br />

hue of cerise pink doesn’t look the same in your back<br />

garden as it did in that fabulous riad in Morocco?<br />

10. THE 60/30/10 RULE<br />

This is definitely one rule you should apply. The<br />

60/30/10 rule applies to the relationship between<br />

three elements. Using colour components, for<br />

example, one colour should cover 60%, another 30%<br />

and another 10%. Decorating is all about balance. This<br />

can be used for example by either three colours in<br />

different shades or 60% as wall colour, 30% as covered<br />

furniture and 10% as accessories.<br />

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