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Trait #5

You’ll Experience a Genuine Connection, Not Just Chemistry

A 32-year-old woman named Michelle reached her breaking point.

She was frustrated with relationships, believing all the men she met were

only after sex. She decided to give up on dating and focus on her career.

Before she took that step, she prayed one last time and asked God to finally

bless her with the man for her.

She believes she’s a good woman and deserves to receive a good man.

Two days later she attended a networking event and met a handsome, well

put together man exactly her style at about 6’1”, strong frame, and a nice

smile. They spoke while there and got along well.

They exchanged numbers and Michelle went home a happy woman. She

was excited, praised God, and believed he might be “the one.”

Time progressed and they graduated from dating to a relationship. During

this time, she spoke to me about it, along with the potential for it to turn into

marriage. I was happy for her; however, I couldn't help but notice the vibe

wasn't right. I asked more questions and it became clear that although they got

along well, there wasn’t a genuine connection. They liked what each other

brought to the table; however, they didn’t enjoy sitting and eating there


Think about that.

They were content with hype and surface benefits of the relationship, but

take that away and there isn't much else happening.

Unfortunately, the relationship eventually failed and never made it to

marriage. He was not the man

God had for her. The proof was in their lack of a genuine connection.

Without it, a relationship will not have long term success and you can be

assured this is not the man for you.


You’ll meet a lot of men who will catch your eye, and many you’ll talk to

and like. There may even be instances where you believe you love this man,

and that may be true; however, you won’t experience a deep and genuine

connection with every single one.

Such a connection is rare to experience more than once in a lifetime;

although, there are exceptions to the rule.

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