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Some of you may feel as if trying to listen to God is too complicated, or

may not be sure how to decipher if you’re listening to yourself or what God is

trying to tell you. I get it. There’s much to address about hearing God;

however, your intuition is your first guide. As a woman of God, it’s your

spirit that’s trying to reach you, talk to you, and get your attention. It’s rare to

find a woman who can say her intuition was wrong.

Plain and simple.

It’s not a matter of you not being able to hear, it’s more of you getting

comfortable with what you’re hearing, even if it’s what you don’t want to


Because that’s usually the reason why directions and instructions are

missed. You have to reconsider your approach if you want to ensure you’re

dealing with the right person.

Another aspect to consider when making sure you hear the right thing is

opening yourself up to receive the answer. Here’s an analogy: when we pray,

it’s like you’re a child taking a test. Your parent is a few rooms down the hall

and you’re screaming the question to your parents, hoping to hear the answer

because you don’t want to get up and go in front of their face to listen. And

they’re answering you.

They’re answering your question but you can’t hear them from that

distance. You need to get up, go in their room, in front of their face and then


So guess what?

When you say, I’m praying and I’m not hearing anything from God, well,

maybe it’s because you need to get up, move into His room, into His face, and

listen. This could mean you need to fast, clear out all the clutter and

distractions, pick a time, then find a quiet and peaceful place to pray. Be sure

you’re calm and not praying in a moment of anxiety, frustration, or anger.

From there, you can come to

God and draw yourself closer to Him, so that you can hear clearer because

I assure you that you will hear Him. You have to enter prayer in submission,

be open and welcome everything He has to say, even if it’s not what you want

to hear. More times than not, we won’t like it. However, it’s what we need and

what is best.

Ultimately, you have to stop asking God to do it for you.

The responsibility is yours.

To be clear, I’m no biblical scholar. Although I incorporate God into my

message, along with spirituality and prayer, I’m not a pastor or the “church-y”

guy. I can’t quote scriptures; however,

I’ve read parts of the Bible and continue to learn more.

What I’ve noticed is that people of God who have accomplished great

things, went on great journeys, and had amazing experiences, were given

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