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passed any hesitation. Either you’re going to do it, or not. If you’ve already

prayed and God gave you the answer to move forward, then you need to do it

with full force. You will have to open up and be vulnerable, this is what’s

required. Without it, you will sell yourself short.

On many occasions, people have shared with me this piece of advice: a

woman should be with a man who loves her more than she loves him.

If you agree with this, then I sincerely want you to know that this is a

misguided mindset to have. Not to be harsh, but quite frankly, it’s horrible

advice. It’s also a setup for disaster every, single, time. The idea of

quantifying who loves who more, indicates there’s a problem from the start.

Again, the man God has for you will share a deep and genuine connection.

If you speak to anyone who’s experienced this, they’ll tell you there’s no way

to compare who loves who more. They’re into each other, period. The

connection is too strong for you or anyone to determine whose love is greater

for the other. If there’s a distinction, the love between you and the man you’re

with is imbalanced and that’s not where you need to be.

Love should be reciprocated. If you want to have a great love, you have to

set the bar. You can’t enter a relationship waiting to see what they’re going to

do, or if they’ll put forth all the effort. Because this particular man is sensitive

and attuned emotionally, he’ll realize you’re playing chess with his heart, not

being receptive, and showing the effort he needs.

Eventually, he’ll think you’re not serious, get tired and walk away. In turn,

you’ll think he wasn’t serious because he didn’t stick around and deal with

your mess.


He left because you kept holding back and it happens every single day.

Don’t believe you should look for the man who loves you more. As we

discussed, there needs to be alignment, as well as a deep and genuine

connection. In order for you determine the alignment and connection, you

have to be open and vulnerable, as well as embrace the love you have for this

person. All of this goes back to the root of addressing your issues. Have you

resolved any lingering fears? Have you healed from your past and completed

the work within, for you to receive, accept, and nurture the great relationship

God has for you?

A whole man will want a whole woman.

You have to work on being whole. It’s not about finding a man who

completes you, it’s about completing yourself and receiving the man who

complements you, as you complement him in return. That’s the relationship

that will flourish and become something amazing.

Be willing to give all of yourself and if you’re not ready, then you know

there’s work to be done. Don’t be afraid of it. We all have room for

improvement and things we need to work on in life. We all have to embrace

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