CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.

CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.


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Lust auf Luft, Licht und Freude!

Indulge in the pleasure of air, light and joy!

Text: Daniela Pötzl

Herbst in Wien:

Die beliebtesten

Stadtoasen sind die


Autumn in Vienna:

The most popular

city oases are the

outdoor sitting



Wie haben wir mit aller Intensität

die wir aufbringen konnten,

weggehört, als uns, die wir damals

noch Jugendliche waren, unsere

Mütter daran erinnert haben, doch

öfters an die frische Luft zu gehen.

Heute sieht die Situation ganz

anders aus. Corona-bedingt sitzen

die meisten Gäste in Wiens

Gastronomie, so es das Wetter

zulässt, sehr viel lieber draußen

als drinnen.

Auch wenn die Stadtluft vielleicht

nicht immer die frischeste ist - geselliger

ist es am Tisch mit

Aussicht auf das geschäftige

Treiben im und um das Lokal


We did not listen with all intensity

we could muster when our mothers

reminded us, still young people

back then, to go out into the fresh

air more often. Today, the situation

is very different. Due to the corona

crisis, most guests in Vienna‘s

gastronomy, prefer to sit outdoors

than inside, if the weather permits.

Even if the city air is perhaps not

always the freshest – it is always

more sociable at the table with a

view of the hustle and bustle in and

around the venue.

Der Kutschkermarkt ist neben dem Brunnenmarkt der letzte verbliebene Straßenmarkt Wiens. Der

sympathische Markt ist vor allem samstags einen Besuch wert. Zu den fixen Marktständen gesellen sich dann

nämlich noch Bauern aus der Umgebung, die hier ihre regionalen und hochwertigen Produkte verkaufen.

The Kutschkermarkt is the last remaining street market in Vienna alongside the Brunnenmarkt. The friendly

environment of the market is worth a visit, especially on Saturdays. The fixed market stalls are joined by farmers

from the area who sell their regional and high-quality products there.




90 Cercle Diplomatique 3/2020

Cercle Diplomatique 3/2020


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