UAD October Digest 2021

Hot off the digital press... Here is our October 2021 edition of the Digest! We hope you enjoy our all “pink” edition. This is our shout out to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Supporting the fighters. Admiring the survivors. Honoring the taken. Never, ever giving up hope. Uncle Andy’s Digest stands with all those affected by breast cancer. Grab your copy TODAY at nearly 1,000 locations in 19 area towns.

Hot off the digital press... Here is our October 2021 edition of the Digest! We hope you enjoy our all “pink” edition. This is our shout out to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Supporting the fighters. Admiring the survivors. Honoring the taken. Never, ever giving up hope. Uncle Andy’s Digest stands with all those affected by breast cancer.

Grab your copy TODAY at nearly 1,000 locations in 19 area towns.


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Phone a Friend

Submitted by Jimbo

I just got kicked out of the flat earth Facebook group because I asked if the 6 foot social

distancing rule had pushed anyone over the edge yet.

A goober named

Jimbo is appearing on

“Who Wants To Be A

Millionaire” with Regis


Regis: “Jimbo, you’re

up to $500,000 with

one lifeline left: phone

a friend. If you get it

right, the next question

is worth one million

dollars. If you get it

wrong, you drop back

to $32,000. Are you


Jimbo: “Yes.”

Regis: “Which of the

following birds does

not build its own nest?

Is it

A) Robin,

B) Sparrow,

C) Cuckoo, or

D) Thrush.”

Jimbo: “I’d like to

phone a friend. I’d like

to call Steve.”

Steve (also a Goober)

answers his phone:


Regis: “Hello Steve,

it’s Regis Philbin from

Who Wants to be a

Millionaire. I have your

friend Jimbo here who

needs your help to

answer the one million

dollar question. The

next voice you hear

will be Jimbo’s...”

Jimbo: “Steve, which

of the following birds

does not build it’s own


Uncle Andy’s Digest ...with


(continued on next page)


Oct. 2021 783-7039

We like to take every opportunity

to highlight the dedicated, innovative

direct support workforce that is the heart

& soul of supports for people with disabilities.

Thank you for all that you do!


Our own

Cindy Berube

Congratulations, Cindy!


800 Center Street, Auburn • 207-782-2726


When you have a friend that’s going thru a personal storm, instead of being a weatherman

and spreading the news, try being an umbrella and cover them with love.

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