Vanity. Ares

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realised, Prison or not, the trials and tribulations

of life centred around the whims gathering

money would need to explete. Life felt

uncertain; the only thing that was certain was

the tax of it and of course death. Death was not

so scary, much more frightening was the

realisation and threat of being eternally caged in

the violence of serenity. I then noticed the judge

look away from the window to the press in

attendance, and then she looked at me and let

out gentle puff of her cheeks, that I guessed only

I had noticed, because many in the room were

still chit chatting. I thought about what those in

attendance could be chatting about, and

wondered whether they were talking about what

they were to eat that evening or money

problems perhaps, or I imagined small

problems, which made me envy them. But, the

gentle puff of the judges cheeks told me that all

people, large or small, were in some percentage

of a cage; of which I of course guessed, being on

trial, that I was in a higher range of percentage

than them; As my bodily freedom was still

withheld, and freedom was to perhaps be

further taken from me. This fact troubled me.

Troubling as it was, I then concluded that

all in the courtroom were definitely in some

percentage of prison, I comforted myself with

this precept as I looked at the lady in the blue

blazer and thought, 'This includes you too.' In

my eyes her prison was maybe one that perhaps

she was unaware of, but to me just a few of her

actions and presence alone told me so; for one I


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