Vanity. Ares

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I remember looking down from the stage to see a

man in a cream trench coat and another haggard

looking old lady, with bags underneath her eyes

eating a glazed chicken. I collected my pittance

and knew that the bar owner was stiffing me out of

a few Euro’s due to my lack of French, I tried to

argue but felt I could not be bothered. I took my

trombone and walked back towards Gerard’s.

Gerard and Martinq had a fiery relationship

— they would argue endlessly about any such

thing. I could hear most of their arguments,

usually about who would turn the light off at night.

That was their favourite argument. “...It's your

turn, I gave you two blow jobs,” Martinq would

say. “You do it with no real belief, lazy,” Gerard

said once, and on they would go for perhaps half

an hour when I assumed Gerard would get up and

turn off the light, as I would hear a man’s groan

and then the light switch turn off. They also had a

very frisky sex life; they were very loud when

having sex. “Pull my hair, twist me,” Martinq

would yell. Curiously they did not care about my

presence in that regards. They would sometimes

finish a session and come out of the room to chit

chat, sometimes about the weather, sometimes

about Boris Vian or Segre Gainsbourg. Gerard

loved Boris Vian just as much as myself.

In terms of my sex life, I had a few

rendezvouz’s, but just random one night stands, I

was not that un-satisfied in this sense. But, one

night after me and Gerard had finished watching

Paris Saint German on the television — It was a

Champions League match and they had beaten



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