Vanity. Ares

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twisted. I then laid down in the cell, and knew

that my existence was hanging by a thread; in

that I had not yet been sentenced and my heart

dreamt of being in places the opposite of where I

was. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, I felt

that the white bird I glimpsed illustrated that the

world would continue to spin; regardless of

pestilence, quake, fire or injustice: the birds still

would fly, prostitutes and crooked cops would

replace stories of fatal injustice and life would go

on. These thoughts made me wonder if I was

going out of my mind, but I concluded that I did

not believe in that, and perhaps I was going

through crazy, as opposed to being crazy; there

seemed a difference. The punishment of prison

is worst in the light of sheer silence, the death

penalty seemed more gallant and fitting, but in

reality a prisoner's demise is self-inflicted, slow,

quiet as lust, and forcibly introverted.

Chapter 6 — The Penitent Thief, Coctau & Avocado.

La Masquerade Act 3

Another night passed and the next

morning came. The court case continued, like a

casual smoking kills sign on a pack of Marlboro's;

duplicity gently envelopes. I was taken to the

court at the same time as the previous day

(around 9 O’clock). That day I was escorted by

Coctau and a bearded officer I recognised as the

same one Faustian had excitedly told me was

crooked, a few months back. Upon seeing the

bearded officer's face it brought back memories


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