Vanity. Ares

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Chapter 2 — The Sun Never Rains

A knock at the prison cell door and the trial

had arrived. Those five months were spent with

me having no real understanding of time. This is a

huge part of prison; that feeling of complete

detachment, not of solitude, no you get used to the

solitude, mostly because in prison you are

surrounded by imbeciles—the other inmates are

stupid, which is probably why they are where they

were. If this weren’t the case they would be being

stupid freely, but they were caught being stupid so

they were officially stupid. The guards were also

mostly stupid, if they weren’t they would be Artists

or Lawyers, but no they were guard inmates,

resolving issues arising from spilt Ravioli, for

instance. I always found it ridiculous that the only

thing that differed from myself and these guards

was that they were being paid, but like the

prisoners, the guards held grudges too: there was

one male guard that seemed to wink at me on my

way out of the shower once, and I just walked

straight past. I did not know how else to react to

this. But, a few days had passed and that same

Officer knocked on my cell door and told me that I

would not be allowed into the yard that day: “I

could even get you thrown in the hole,” he added

as he swung his keys and his two eye's googled at

me, I then shrugged and from his frown I sensed

that he had done this because I had ignored his

wink a few days before. He was then more

offended by my indifference, as if I failed to



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