Vanity. Ares

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cell. Coctau pushed and shoved me along, whilst

firmly gripping my arm, probably to stamp his

masculinity, I gauged. But, in reality this was in

fact more stupidity; complicated Freudian

stupidity, that I thought assumed I was being

punished though these happenings were of the

eclectic variety like vignettes of poetry in the

scenes of my life. I walked along, finding this pain

the punishment I would have preferred, but that

which that prevailed was slower and the walk to

the van felt as if it were to perdition.

Just as offensive as Coctau's rough handling

was the cheeriness of the black officer, listening to

the black officer say: “It’s great when there’s a

little sunshine, makes you feel that there’s hope.

You know? Hope is needed.” which annoyed me,

as he would speak whilst also whistling and I

found this jarring. I would have preferred him to

grab my arm just as hard as Coctau, but instead he

kept hitting us with hopeful chatter about the

weather and that there was going to be Ravioli that

day for lunch, and how the inmates loved Ravioli. I

did not enjoy his words, deeming them as more

stupidity; a trivial geniality.

Rather happily I was led into the back of the

van, where I sat alone, no more trivial talk or nails

dug into my arm, just the silence of the dimly lit

van, the cold hard surface. Strangely, my mind at

the moment the doors were locked, my mind came

to Jesus, I don’t know why, but as the van started

to pull out of the prison I had a few thoughts

about him and concluded them with the thought

that he probably had felt the same, walking to the



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