Vanity. Ares

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—his friends and some of the other housemates—

were having another get-together. As he spoke,

inviting us, I was indifferent, but as I was broke

again and because I had lost more money

gambling I was partial to know if there would be

food so my wallet could be relinquished of some

of the heavy burden of my life. Beckett said there

would probably be pizza and I said that myself and

Myra, of course, would make our way upstairs in a

short while.

It was about eight o’clock when Beckett

made his invite, after this I did remember it

seeming as if Myra wanted to tell me something, in

retrospect. Though at the time having started to

talk a few times with words to the effect of; “Our

bodies don’t lie, I have real feelings for you and I

want you to know that,” jabbered Myra, stopping

at anything I thought was significant. I deemed

these words as slight ramblings and don't think I

thought to even look whilst Myra spoke; I think I

was drinking the last remnants of milk and feeling

the room; the four walls, noise from above (not

God) was making me feel claustrophobic. More so,

I did not think anything of Myra’s rambling’s as I

was in my usual realm of living on the surface; I

was not participating in a con or scam so I had no

reason to think deeply. We, myself and Myra, were

just going to go upstairs and hang out with Beckett

and company and that was seemingly it. More

pressing, I thought about maybe going to see the

Rasta’s next door neighbour in Pembury to sell a

bag of the weed, but the Rasta at that time owed

me money, so I did not trust any transaction



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