Vanity. Ares

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door man and committed suicide by throwing

himself off from the banister! and as he hit the

floor his head hit three other dead bodies….do

you get the story?" "Well, somewhat," I said

accepting that in prison it seemed that everyone

had wisdom to impart; water and oil, in my eyes;

Plus, suicide seemed just as absurd as persistence

— why we humans go on in life is a question

though? as if stroking a dog that is gnawing at our

necks! "He excused himself didn't he?" I mused

aloud. "You do excuse yourself you see. Well, it's

a metaphor for life don't you think? Things are

what you want them to be," said Roth, sitting

back down. "As I see you, looking lost, but in

reality the only thing you lack in here are

women." I didn't know how to reply to this, as the

conversation was seemingly reaching a point of

banality, in my eyes. But, I remember that story

because it made me think at the time, mostly of

the ridiculousness of life or my life for that

matter. I had not signed up to be a prisoner, but

prison as a location was soon a concept I had to

accept was something that happened within a

person's mind, Roth's story did tell me that

much. But, mostly I felt such stories lived

amongst the infinite vortex of nothingness: your

balance is unbalanced and the seams of even your

unconscious thoughts so mundane, so distilled.

The world owes much to the entertainment of

vanities, perusals of curiosities and closer to me at

that time: monotonous stages and a violent



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