Vanity. Ares

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set this. Any thoughts on women, for example,

were quickly attempted to be pushed out. Hopes

became an affliction in the prison cell of the four

walls, noise from above (not God).

I was escorted and then sat in the interview



room next to my lawyer, chit chatting about the

word Transphobia. Connor had said I could be

called "Transphobic" and I wondered how I could

be deemed so, having never heard the word

previous to that moment. An officer, having

knocked, then entered the room. He was a fat man

as his white shirt revealed rolls, and he had big

cheeks. The fat man wore black trousers and had a

noticeably bald head that looked as shiny and

creamy as a babies bottom, he introduced himself

as inspector Josef. He said that he was there as

there had been filling errors in the last transcript,

which was cut short by mistakes, which my lawyer

had claimed was great news, and that since the

point of the incident there had been no

happenings that could add to my convictions, and

that everything was smoother than he had ever

seen it, particularly in regards to my court hearing

at Bow the next day.

According to Connor the CPS sometimes

took months to see to cases, but mine would be

pushed through, "really quickly", he said. I did not

think things were fast mind you, but having gone

through the same type of procedure years before

in Manchester, I could see an element truth in my

lawyers words — the last time I think I waited two

months for the CPS to see to my case, and one

time the court was adjourned just because my files


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