Vanity. Ares

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moment, as if becoming tired of Connor’s

objections. Cesare continued in the subsequent

silence: “Can you elaborate on why you thought

he was in fact bad news?” he said. “He made

some very wrong jokes. I was having a super

sensitive discussion with a friend and he butt in

and made a remark that I thought was at least

homophobic,” explained Carly looking at me as

she spoke, and when she finished her words they

were met with whispered gasps from the

congregation, which sounded like a gentle

session of the speaking in tongues I had become

familiar with at the Olatende’s Church. The

sound: “Hmmmmbalalahuh!” came to my mind


Upon being gently prompted by Cesare

with a flick of his wrist, Carly happily added:

“Basically, we had a disagreement where he

seemed to conclude that a woman, even with the

use of apparatus, could not rape. I completely

disagreed as the woman I am and I felt that this

was discriminatory and homophobic.” “Ladies

and gentlemen of the jury, find that the

defendant has in fact been one to hold hateful

assertions on such issues of sexuality for a time.

This corroborates that, at least his ethics are

dubious,” declared Cesare, and so gentle were

his skills in the tete the tete of court

proceedings: if I were watching him on television

I would have been engrossed by the level of skill

he utilised along with his cultured style. I

remember taking notice of the word dubious as

it was said with such emphasise and loud aplomb



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