Vanity. Ares

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are investigating, of course.” I doubted it, but I

gave my statement, I did not use the term 'her'

when referring to Myra, who was at that time Tom,

Dick or Harry to me. It was all absurd. But PC

Jabar continued to tell us that the crime was now

under investigation, after I of course gave my

name, date of birth and I told the officer that I had

been deceived into an arrangement with Myra for

about a month or so and that he revealed that he

was in fact a man out of the blue. PC Jabar

interrupted and said, "Allegedly we are

investigating this." I said, he provoked me and

deceived me, and it came to a head at Beckett’s

party where I admitted that I stabbed Myra, from

instinct. "Six times", said PC Jabar. I said, yes. I

did not attempt to lie because there were many

witnesses and I was provoked. Highly provoked. I

tried to ask how he would feel, noticing a wedding

ring on PC Jabar’s finger and he just said: “There

is a procedure and we’re investigating all you've

said. I'm not on trial you see, that's you.” 'Touche',

I thought while we continued to play a little

conversational tennis.

There were of course a few more questions

and answers, then I was escorted back to my

prison cell, home. When I entered my cell and a

few minutes had passed an officer came, the door

was opened and my Lawyer entered to proceed to

tell me that I would definitely not be let out on bail

due to the severity of the case. "No bail I'm afraid,

I hope the bed isn't too hard." said Connor. After

this he then explained that I would be held in

Belmarsh Prison awaiting a court date at Bow



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