Vanity. Ares

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confliction of why I was doing what I was doing

and that would lead to a dead end.’ I then mused

on the gym as perhaps a fitness activity, but having

known many old people — even one ninety year

old man — that never went to the gym and

smoked like a chimney, according to him as we

spoke at a bus stop when I was stuck in Montpelier

years before—from this I came to the conclusion

that fitness was a mystical event just like waiting

for God. I assessed that fitness was to allegedly

become healthier, this as an allegation made me

conclude that I would rather just stay in my cell.

Besides at that time I had thoughts on freedom

and the court case, activities and other people

were like moving prisons for me.



Though I remember Ronnie did in fact pay

a visit in the months leading to my trial. I walked

into the visiting area and he told me bits and bobs

of news; that he started a plumbing apprenticeship

and that he had this girlfriend that had extremely

big nipples, he said. The visiting area was loud,

and I felt indifferent to raise my voice because I

felt that Ronnie was only lip syncing friendship.

Or so I wondered, as I don’t remember fully but I

concluded that friendship was a mask for our

selfishness, and the concept that: 'no I am not

selfish I have friends or I listen to my friends', for

example. This means that such a person has got to

be good, apparently. Formalities were slowly


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