Vanity. Ares

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expect our country to not suffer? This guy is also

never the type of the person that you want to rely

on, too busy drinking milk!” Connor then

objected, citing that the witness was “rambling”.

Regardless of his objection, like a fallen sausage,

the cat was out of the bag, as the words were

leaving Gordot’s mouth, and were damning of my

character. There were more similarly answered

questions, that of which I switched off to, but

Cesare’s last question, which when answered put

me in a fatally ill postured light, came like liquor;

slow, trickling. “How do you reckon he paid the

rent? And did he pay on time?” said Cesare,

playing with his expensive looking blue tie that

coordinated with his socks: it was silk and Italian

looking. Gordot said, “It was like waiting for God

to arrive! He would always feign some sort of

story about his trombone. Trombone this!

Trombone that! all these long tales and never any

rent! Lock him up, I say, lock him up! Good

riddance!” Again I daydreamed mostly from that

time, although I still asserted that my mind was

free. Though I wanted to speak on many

occasions, especially whilst Gordot gave witness,

I decided against this and just bit my lip. I still

had a little hope, even after Gordot’s act full of

anger and animosity towards me. After he

answered Cesare’s last question I heard titters

from around the court room and I remember

feeling that the creative act of the stage of the

witness box was not just performed by the one in

which stood within it, but by the whole court


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