Vanity. Ares

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looking through the newspaper race section for

good bets and Myra would be on the bed with a

laptop listening to music I was not keen on. But, I

loved one song regularly played; by an Artist

which Myra told me went by the name of Frank



Ocean, because the chorus to a song called ‘We

All Try’ sounded good to me. Though when

listening to that song, I remember wondering;

‘What are we all trying to do?’ but regardless, I

liked it. The rest; rubbish.

The surface of things is usually the realm I

mostly reside in, depending on what I’m doing, as

if I’m in the midst of a scam or con, then the

surface becomes multilayered and textured — the

emotions that are at play, in a con, will be that way

inclined: meaning that you will need to be

sensitive to symbols and ticks of intricate

meaning. Hence, my general life at the time

seemed innocuous and devoid of the necessity of

deep below the surface insight; simply, Myra, and

The Breasts along with her bottom, all but seemed

fake but kosher at the time. There was a day Myra

brought a strap-on dildo and I think we had a

heated discussion about it's usage. Apart from

this, things were uneventful in my eyes; I was

getting some money together and I even thought

about going back to Manchester, but decided that

another move was not a pressing concern.

At that time Myra liked to go to a few clubs

in Soho, but I was not at all familiar with the

area’s night life and said as much, which meant

Myra would, some nights, go alone. Myra would

arrive back at my flat late at night and did in fact


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