Vanity. Ares

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he wanted to move on with his life as an adult, I

suppose,” hesitated Olu, whilst straightening his

white and cream looking tie. “But, according to

the records, a care worker arrived to your home

and you said, I quote: “He was a bad influence,



with all the weed smoking, he’s about eighteen,

perhaps it’s alright that he did leave.” End quote.

Is this correct Mr Olatende?” said Cesare with a

simultaneous pulling at his red tie, the devil!

Only then did I notice the prosecutors silk red tie

accompanied by an ominous smile on his well

moisturised face for a solid piece of prosecution.

Olu was again stuttering somewhat as if he was at

a loss for words, saying: “Well, that is water

under the bridge. That was years ago…He moved

on.” he said all at once. The nail on the cross I

hung from, was cemented in regards to Olu,

especially so when Cesare said: “Have you seen

him since you deemed him a bad influence?”

“Well…. no,” started Olu clearing his heavy

throat, “No, I haven’t.” Cesare sat after a few

other queries I knew were merely second fiddle

to Mr Olatende’s acceptance that since he had

deemed me a bad influence he had never seen or

heard of me. The judge asked if my lawyer had

any questions and Connor said: “No, I think that

will be alright for Mr Olatende”, which I found

strangely devoid of fight and as if he had thrown

in the towel and perhaps even used it to massage

Cesare’s ego. Nonetheless, the trial had run over

its 5pm schedule and the judge told the court

that proceeding’s would continue the next day. I

entered my cell, after that first day of the trial and


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