Vanity. Ares

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concluded that I preferred the justice on the street,

it's results were quicker and less verbose.

The questions continued and it came to why

I had left France, Gerard, Martinq and the menage

a trois. I wondered how this came out in the trial,

but quickly remembered Connor telling me that

the prosecutors had done their ground work. I

guessed Brandy or Carly having heard of it from

Beckett and Anais had told Cesare. At this point I

wondered how many angels can fit on the head of

a pin? How a truth can occur from a fallacy?

Conflict entered my being to add to my nausea.

Although the confliction of truths was a poetic

vignette I had actually recognised a few weeks

before the trial. Sat in my cell came the

recognition that told me that I needed a truth, the

next person needed a truth and so on, but two

truths may not agree, so whom is telling lies was a

question I still was musing on at the time. What is

truth? I answered Cesar with what I felt was my

truth: “Yes, I did have a threesome with a few

friends,” I said those words. “That is not a crime!”

Obnoxiously Cesar then said, “Well, it can then go

on record that your sexual habits have been

experimental. Do you agree?” I saw where he was

leading to and said, “I am not Gay!” This was then

met with whispered utters from the jury area, the

public area and the press area — the whispers felt

careless, but the nausea stopped me from over

thinking my reaction at the time. I noticed that

Cesare then looked at the jury with what I thought

was a smirk, as if to say; I rest my case a


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