Zero to One_ Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future ( PDFDrive )

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Their indefiniteness took different forms. Rawls begins A Theory of Justice

with the famous “veil of ignorance”: fair political reasoning is supposed to be

impossible for anyone with knowledge of the world as it concretely exists.

Instead of trying to change our actual world of unique people and real

technologies, Rawls fantasized about an “inherently stable” society with lots of

fairness but little dynamism. Nozick opposed Rawls’s “patterned” concept of

justice. To Nozick, any voluntary exchange must be allowed, and no social

pattern could be noble enough to justify maintenance by coercion. He didn’t

have any more concrete ideas about the good society than Rawls: both of them

focused on process. Today, we exaggerate the differences between left-liberal

egalitarianism and libertarian individualism because almost everyone shares

their common indefinite attitude. In philosophy, politics, and business, too,

arguing over process has become a way to endlessly defer making concrete plans

for a better future.

Indefinite Life

Our ancestors sought to understand and extend the human lifespan. In the 16th

century, conquistadors searched the jungles of Florida for a Fountain of Youth.

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