Zero to One_ Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future ( PDFDrive )

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To see misalignment at its most extreme, just visit the DMV. Suppose you

need a new driver’s license. Theoretically, it should be easy to get one. The

DMV is a government agency, and we live in a democratic republic. All power

resides in “the people,” who elect representatives to serve them in government.

If you’re a citizen, you’re a part owner of the DMV and your representatives

control it, so you should be able to walk in and get what you need.

Of course, it doesn’t work like that. We the people may “own” the DMV’s

resources, but that ownership is merely fictional. The clerks and petty tyrants

who operate the DMV, however, enjoy very real possession of their small-time

powers. Even the governor and the legislature charged with nominal control over

the DMV can’t change anything. The bureaucracy lurches ever sideways of its

own inertia no matter what actions elected officials take. Accountable to nobody,

the DMV is misaligned with everybody. Bureaucrats can make your licensing

experience pleasurable or nightmarish at their sole discretion. You can try to

bring up political theory and remind them that you are the boss, but that’s

unlikely to get you better service.

Big corporations do better than the DMV, but they’re still prone to

misalignment, especially between ownership and possession. The CEO of a huge

company like General Motors, for example, will own some of the company’s

stock, but only a trivial portion of the total. Therefore he’s incentivized to reward

himself through the power of possession rather than the value of ownership.

Posting good quarterly results will be enough for him to keep his high salary and

corporate jet. Misalignment can creep in even if he receives stock compensation

in the name of “shareholder value.” If that stock comes as a reward for shortterm

performance, he will find it more lucrative and much easier to cut costs

instead of investing in a plan that might create more value for all shareholders

far in the future.

Unlike corporate giants, early-stage startups are small enough that founders

usually have both ownership and possession. Most conflicts in a startup erupt

between ownership and control—that is, between founders and investors on the

board. The potential for conflict increases over time as interests diverge: a board

member might want to take a company public as soon as possible to score a win

for his venture firm, while the founders would prefer to stay private and grow

the business.

In the boardroom, less is more. The smaller the board, the easier it is for the

directors to communicate, to reach consensus, and to exercise effective

oversight. However, that very effectiveness means that a small board can

forcefully oppose management in any conflict. This is why it’s crucial to choose

wisely: every single member of your board matters. Even one problem director

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