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Food Allergies and Intolerances

All of us live with, know, or have heard of somebody who

then marshal an overwhelming systemic response, ramping

call an allergic response. The symptoms vary because differ-

damages the small intestine. The latter condition is common

has had a harrowing allergic reaction to food. There they

it up faster than the pathogen can reproduce. Amazingly,

ent tissues react to histamine and other allergic mediators in

enough—recent studies estimate it affects one in 133 people of

are, enjoying a meal at the kitchen table, a restaurant, or

less than one-trillionth of a gram of viral material is enough

different ways.

European descent—that it has a name: celiac disease, from the

a wedding banquet. Then suddenly, within minutes or

to induce an immune response.

About 80% of people who think they have a food allergy

Greek word for abdomen.

a few hours, they are fighting off a severe, potentially life-

You can think of a food allergy as a malfunction of the

actually have a so-called food intolerance, meaning a reaction

Gluten can be hard to avoid: many restaurants and food

threatening allergic reaction (called anaphylaxis) by jabbing

immune system. Food should not trigger self-destruction.

that occurs by some biological mechanism other than an

products label products that contain wheat but not other

themselves with an adrenaline injector or being rushed to

But in people with food allergies, the immune system reacts

antibody response. Intolerances are even more mysterious

sources of gluten, including many other grains. Cross-

the emergency ward.

to certain food proteins as if they were signs of a dangerous

than food allergies; in many cases, the mechanism is

contamination is a frequent problem. Even some medicines,

Anaphylactic reactions are the most severe manifesta-

microbe. This is why the smallest hint of peanut protein, left


vitamin formulations, and lip balms contain the protein.

tions of food allergies. Few countries have any estimates of

on an imperfectly cleaned assembly line and picked up on

Some reactions seem to be set off by irritating chemicals,

Those who suffer the most acute form of celiac disease

deaths due to food-triggered anaphylaxis, but the U.S. is

the wrapper of a peanut-free product, can trigger anaphy-

such as histamine, or by toxins from troublesome bacteria.

remain malnourished no matter how much they eat, as long

one of them. According to government estimates, 100–200

laxis. To the immune cells of a highly allergic person, those

Others occur because a person lacks a particular enzyme

as gluten is part of their diet. Fortunately, there is a simple and

people die annually from anaphylaxis in the United States,

few molecules of protein look for all the world like a life-

needed to digest a component of the food. Probably the best

complete cure: avoid eating gluten. Even so, it can take

where 6%–8% of children and about 4% of adults are

threatening germ.

known and most common example is lactose intolerance.

months for the gut to heal after the offending protein is

allergic to at least one food. Globally, a larger proportion

Some 90% of all people with food allergies respond to

Lactose is a common sugar found in milk and milk products.

removed from the diet. As with other intolerances, the range

of people, when asked whether they think they have an

one of a notorious octet of allergens: shellfish, fish, peanuts,

Lactose-intolerant people are deficient in lactase, an enzyme

of symptoms can vary widely, with some people suffering

allergy, will say that they do, but medical tests generally

cow’s milk, eggs, tree nuts (such as walnuts and pecans),

that breaks down lactose into simpler carbohydrates. To the

major discomfort if they eat tiny amounts of gluten and others

confirm that only 1%–5% of a given population indeed has

soybeans, and wheat. Tree nuts are thought to be the most

normally beneficial bacteria that usually make a quiet living in

able to occasionally down a slice of pizza with no ill effects.

a food allergy.

potent food allergens: vanishingly small amounts of the

the gut, the undigested lactose becomes an abundant source

Other common food intolerances include difficulty pro-

In the vast majority of cases, allergic reactions to food

troublesome proteins, perhaps as little as 10 millionths of

of food, leading to the generation of gas, pain, and other

cessing histamines (present in certain cheeses, wine, and

come and go within minutes or hours. They usually involve

a gram, have triggered serious allergic reactions. According

characteristic symptoms.

fishes including tuna and mackerel), nitrates (ubiquitous in

distressing but easily manageable symptoms, such as hives

to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6.9

Gluten intolerance is also widespread. It takes at least two

preserved meats), and sulfites (added as a preservative to wine

or rashes, tingling in the mouth and throat, or coughing and

million Americans are allergic to seafood of some variety

distinct forms. Some people’s bodies simply react to the

and beer but also a naturally occurring constituent of onions,

wheezing. But then there are those 30,000 emergency-

and 3.3 million are allergic to peanuts or tree nuts.

protein gluten as a toxin. In many others, the protein, which is

garlic, and fermented liquids such as vinegars, wines, and soy

room visits each year from people with serious allergies. For

Only a small minority of people who have food allergies

a component in all varieties of wheat, barley, rye, and many

sauce and a frequent contaminant of citric acid and

such a person, ingesting even a trace of an allergenic food

are at risk of anaphylaxis. What sets the stage for an anaphy-

other grains, triggers an inflammatory immune response that


foments riot within the immune system.

lactic response to food is the ingestion of a particular food

The French physiologist Charles Richot, who won a Nobel

protein and the presence in the body of an errant antibody

Prize in 1913 for his work leading to the recognition of this

that latches onto that protein. Antibodies are proteins made

over-the-top type of immune system response, explained in

his Nobel speech how he came up with the word “anaphylaxis.”

His basis for the word says something about how the

normally life-preserving immune system can go so wrong:

“Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for

in an enormous variety of subtle variations by the immune

system. They have a bloodhoundlike ability to find and bind

with exquisite selectivity to specific molecules of concern,

such as proteins in a virus’s shell.

For reasons that are not entirely clear, some people

Food labels in the U.S. and some other countries must alert consumers to ingredients

or possible cross-contaminants that may trigger one of the more common allergic

reactions, such as that to peanuts. But such warnings are not comprehensive. They don’t

always cover substances, such as nitrates or sulfites, to which people may be intolerant

or food components that are used during intermediate processing of the product.

protection. “Anaphylaxis” will thus stand for the opposite …

develop antibodies that bind to a food protein. For these

that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensi-

people, when that food protein is present, perhaps even

tive instead of being protected.”

from a shiny clean spoon that might previously have been

Such a rapid, feather-trigger, shock-and-awe response is

used to scoop some peanut butter from a jar, it interacts

just what the body needs to fight off viruses and bacteria

with these first-response antibodies.

because just a few of these microscopic pathogens can

The antibodies, in turn, set off a cascade of events in

quickly replicate to legion and lethal numbers if left un-

immune system cells, including basophils in the blood and

checked. In response to that threat, the human immune

mast cells in body tissues. When stimulated by the allergen,

system evolved the ability to detect truly minuscule

these cells release histamine, tryptase, and other biochemi-

amounts of the chemicals that signal an infection and to

cal mediators that produce the wide range of symptoms we


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